Learning Highlights
- It was a very successful week for our enterprise business and we sold most of our remaining products to the other classes in the school.
- Then we researched different charities and voted on what we should do with the profit we made. We decided to give it to The Dog’s Trust.
- It was lots of fun entertaining the other classes with our P2/3 assembly.
- We learned about World Oceans Day and what we could do to protect them,
Tricky Tasks
- We revisited subtraction in numeracy and although we found this challenging to begin with, we persevered and we soon grasped it.
- We’ve been learning ‘ew’ words this week for spelling and we found some of these tricky.
- There are so many worthwhile charities so it was really difficult to decide which one we should donate our enterprise profits to. We also sold approximately £80 of pet treats so it was really tricky for the Finance Team to count all the money.
Lead Learner Update
Our Lead Learners this week were Harvey and Ryan but because we have been so busy with our enterprise, assembly and parental engagement session they didn’t have enough time to see classmates following the targets they had set so we decided to give them another week to do their job!