Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

P2/3 Sharing our Learning



Learning Highlights

  • We learned all about emotion words and found out we know 33 words to describe our emotions!
  • We have been learning our nativity songs this week!
  • Our spelling rule this week has been words ending in -rt. We have enjoyed rainbow writing and playing hangman!

Tricky Tasks 

  • We have been learning to use column sums as a strategy to solve subtraction problems. Exchanging has been tricky!
  • We wrote persuasive letters about why we should save the world. This was hard work and we had to use lots of persuasive vocabulary!

Lead Learner Update

Isla and Noel have been our Lead Learners this week! They decided that they wanted to look out for people who were showing kindness, respect and remembering full stops in our writing!

They noticed Archie, Harvey, Ben and Zac showing Kindness. They were playing nicely with others and using kind words! Jodie, Emma-Jo and Georgia were caught showing respect this week! They have been helping to tidy the classroom and have been fantastic listeners!  Ryan, Jake and Niamh were spotted remembering their full stops!


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