Good morning Primary 3/4, I hope you are all well. Here are some activities for today.
Maths Task
Learning Intention – To divide by 3 with remainders (Circles) and add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 (Squares/Triangles)
Success Criteria -I can use my times table knowledge to complete the calculations.
Task 1–Visit the Topmarks site and choose the division option on the Mental Maths Train game.
Task 2 – Squares and Triangles Teejay textbook – Complete pages 62-63
Circles – Teejay textbook page 155-156
Literacy Task
Learning Intention – To create short texts for different purposes.
Success Criteria – I can select and use a range of ambitious vocabulary suited to the task.
Task 1 –Use some of the Wordboost words we have learned in class ) to write a paragraph. Don’t forget your personal targets e.g. spelling, openers, connectives etc. Draw an illustration to highlight this.
Science Task
Using what you have learned about coronavirus during the past few months, create a how to stay safe poster which highlights the different ways of preventing the spread of the virus. Think about how you can make your poster eye-catching e.g. use of colour, bold writing, illustrations etc.
Extra tasks to choose from 14th May 2020
- Spelling Grid Task
- David Walliams storytime
- Diary/Journal at the end of the day
- Physical activity