Good Morning Primary 1
Weekly Overview
Try some of the attached task sheets to help you work on our new sounds ‘ai’ and ‘oa’.
2 ai oa worksheets April20edit
Listen to this song to help you think about your number bonds.
Now use your ten frame to practice. Ask someone at home to fire you questions. Can you practice writing the sums down? Find the answer or complete the sum. (2 + 8 = ) or (3 + = 10)
Listen to the traditional African Folk Music. Try finding and clapping along to the beat. What instruments can you hear? Try moving to the music, how does it make you feel?
Now listen to traditional Scottish fold music for a few minutes…
Can you find the beat and clap along? Can you name any of the instrument you can hear? Try moving to the music, how does it make you feel?
What were the differences between the two? Where there any similarities?
Use books or the internet to research different land animals that originate from Africa…make a list of the ones that interest you. Try listing 5. Then select the one that has caught your attention the most.
You are going to use this animal to create informative pieces of writing. Your first task is to find a good close up image of your chosen land animal and draw a detailed picture in your jotter or on paper. Then use arrows to label the main parts of the animal. (think about our labeled drawing of a plant we did in class) Remember to include the date and a title.
I hope you enjoy these learning activities. Take care and see you here again tomorrow!
Mrs Paterson