Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

Primary 3/4 Thursday 7th May


Thursday 7th May 2020

Maths Task

Learning Intention – To make symmetrical shapes

Success Criteria – I can create a symmetrical shape if I am given half of the shape.

Task 1 Log onto the Dynamic Learning website and use the online textbook to complete the following pages.

Circles – Pages 27-28     Squares and Triangles pages 16-18

Literacy Task 

Learning Intention- To write an African fable.

Success Criteria –   I can use what I’ve learned about fables to write my own.

I can use my core targets e.g. spelling, punctuation, connectives etc.

Last week we read/watched some African folk tales.  A fable is a type of folk tale which is usually about animals and has a moral or meaning to the story.

Task 1 – Watch the African fable powerpoint – see link below

Task 1 – Fable powerpoint (7th May)

Task 2 – Read the example fable – see link below

Task 2 – Fable example (7th May)

Task 3 – Look at the prompt sheets for ideas – see link below

Task 3 – Fables prompt sheet (7th May)

Art Task

Watch this clip about Tingatinga art and then give it a go yourself.  If you don’t have paints at home maybe you could try pencils, pens or crayons.

Tingatinga paintings

Extra tasks to choose from 7th May 2020







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