Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

Primary 3/4 Wednesday 6th May


Good morning P3/4.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Here is the link for the weekly plan.

P3-4 Home Learning Weekly Grid 4.5.20


Maths Task 

Learning Intention – To identify symmetry in shapes and the real world.

Success Criteria – I can find and draw lines of symmetry in shapes and real-life objects.

Task 1 Log onto the Dynamic Learning website and use the online textbook to complete the following pages. You won’t have the small mirrors we use in school at home but just try your best. If you draw the shapes then perhaps you could hold them against a compact or another mirror you may have at home.

Circles – Pages 24-26     Squares and Triangles pages 12-14

Task 2 If you didn’t get a chance to last time, find symmetrical objects at home and in the garden and show them to your family.

Literacy Task  – Find out about Africa using the Task 1,2 and 3 links below.

Learning Intention– To learn about where Africa is in the world and what countries make up the African continent.

Success Criteria –   I can identify the 7 continents and 5 oceans in the world.

I am gaining an understanding of the countries in Africa..

Find out about Africa Task 1

Find out about Africa Task 2

Find out about Africa task 3


Extra tasks to choose from 6th May 2020


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