Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

Primary 1 Monday 27th April


Hello Primary 1, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to catch some of the beautiful sunshine we had!

Here is an overview of the learning you could try this week…P1 HL grid 27th April

For todays learning you could try some of these activities:


Learn the ‘ai’ sound. Watch the short video clip to hear what it sounds like.

Can you come up with a list of your own ‘ai’ words, you could use a book to help you and record them in your jotter.

Now watch the short clip that shows you how to form the sound. 

Can you practice writing these two sounds joined together? Try practicing in your jotter and circle your best 3!

You could also try playing a game I have put up on Education City called ‘Main Train’.


Select two tasks from your number grid.

Time: practice reading the time (o’clock and half past) on an analogue clock. If you got the chance you could use the clock you made last week! Revisit the Education City games set last week and try this new game, just follow the link… 


Last week we looked at copying and keeping in time with the beat. We are going to practice last weeks lesson and then try lesson two today. It gets a bit trickier but keep practicing!

Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Shadow Drawing

Once you have traced around the shadow of your favourite toy go back and add all the others details and colours you can see. It would be great to see some of the pictures you create! If you can, send a photo to the school (remember just of your work!) and I will get to see them!

Enjoy your day Primary 1!

Mrs Paterson


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