Good morning everyone. Here are some tasks you might like to do today.
Maths Task
Task 1 Visit the Topmarks site and choose the Daily 10 game. Answer some of the multiplication questions.
Task 2 If you have any times tables worksheets still to do, start to work on these.
Literacy Task
Task 1 Read a chapter of your novel. Think about which character in the story you would like to be. Write a paragraph to explain your answer.
Task 2 Sit back, relax and listen to the David Walliams story at 11.00.
Task 3 Ask someone else in your house to say your spelling words while you write them down. Did you manage to learn them all this week?
Family Challenge
Can you work together as a family and use everyday household objects to create a work of art? Look at the Fun Family Friday post for more information.