Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

Primary 1 23rd April


Good Morning Primary 1!

Here are your home learning activities for today!


Select 2 of your numeracy tasks from your Number grid.


Today we are going to introduce calendars and months of the year!

Follow the link below to watch a short bbc Bitesize video clip and then use what you know about clocks to design or model your own analogue clock from junk, or draw it in your jotter.  Remember it must go up to 12 and have a long and short hand! Have a look to see what clocks you have around your house for some inspiration!

Here is a fun song from Jack Hartmann to help you as well!

Now try logging onto Education City and go to the tasks set for you. These have been added to the learning folder ‘Time’. You must complete the set tasks in order to move on.

Keep practicing your days of the week and reading the time using o’clock and half past!


Do your daily read, spell write task sheet in your jotter.

I have also set you some tasks on education city to help you practice you spelling (Farm animal phonics), reading and comprehension skills (Cues for reading). Take your time and remember to listen carefully!


Last term we were learning our colours and how to count to 10, try practicing these and see what you remember.

For a new challenge we are going to start learning the days of the week. Use the first link to learn them and the second link (a song) to help you practice.


In music we did lots of work on finding the beat and copying the rhythm. Here is a music lesson to help you get even better. Listen and watch carefully so you can repeat the beat using your body as an instrument. I’ve had fun doing this with my girls at home too!

Enjoy your learning today Primary 1 and stay safe!

Mrs Paterson

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