Welcome back

Good day everyone, all staff would like to welcome everyone on their return from our short Easter break. It

This week has been eventful with the introduction of six new children starting our nursery. We wish them and their families all the joy and fun as they have opportunities to experience a range of activities to extend and develop their learning. We can also say a great big thank you to all our children for making these children feel welcomed and included in their play. Well done to parents too as this reflects how children are taught in their homes – you must be very proud.

Last week children were very busy having fun with the build up of Easter as they had a range of activities such as making head bands, decorating eggs, stories and making their own hot cross buns.

This week we have been astounded over the daring activities children have challenged themselves with. We feel we could have a circus performance with the daring acrobats.

As you all know, we do enjoy exploring our community and this week, under the direction of Devin we discovered lovely places to take a walk. It was certainly invigorating, as both children and staff came back with rosy cheeks and some heavy breathing, though that maybe because they also visited a swing park with some climbing apparatus.

This leads nicely to our National World Earth Day. This event has been celebrated from the 1970’s and is getting stronger each year as we become more aware of the impact of looking after our planet.

Today is World Earth Day, where we are asked to do something – not to big as small things accumulate to have a huge impact on caring for our community and environment. It could be tidying/cleaning up a small area in our community and disposing of the litter sensibly in a bin or turn off lights or all sockets for an hour: this will also save you money too.

For parents whose child is starting primary school transition is well under way as meetings are taking place between nursery and school staff. Details will be given to you when transition programme is finalised – hopefully very shortly.

Nursery CLOSED

Our next date when we will be closed on May 2nd 2022 and resume as usual on the 3rd May.