Happy New year everyone and welcom back to a new term.
Please read our Class Newsletter
Happy New year everyone and welcom back to a new term.
Please read our Class Newsletter
Primary 1-2 and Primary 6 have been really busy getting ready to vote for their favourite SCBA Book. The contenders were…
Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson
Whats the Time Mr Wolf? by Debi Gliori
and The Jumblebum by Chae Strathie and Ben Cort
Miss Gibson is collecting the votes at the moment but there seems to be a clear winner!
Stay posted to find out which one we enjoyed reading the most together!
“We have been learning about acrostic poems and we wrote our own Christmas acrostic poems!” By Robbie
“”We have enjoyed making our Christmas hats ready for our Christmas party next week!” By Morgan
“We enjoyed taking part in the Nativity performance.” By…everyone in P2R!
Mrs Stewart, Miss Dutton and our school choir have been very busy this week! On Monday they visited Blackburn Community Centre to sing to the OAPs, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Wednesday was a trip to Tesco in Bathgate to sing for the customers. While singing in Tesco Murrayfield Choir raised £70.09 for Diabetes UK……Well done!!
All primary seven pupils will be visiting the risk factory on Monday 27th January 2014. Parents and Carers will receive a letter with more information when the school returns after the Christmas break.
All afterschool clubs are now finished except choir which will continue to run on Thursdays straight after school until 4.15pm.
Our proud winners of the poster competition with their winning posters. Well done !