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Fantastic 1st week in P7/6

We have had a fantastic start to the new academic year in P7/6!

As a whole school initiative to raise fitness we have started walking/running one mile each day.  We have been lucky enough to be able to do this outside 🙂 Weather permitting we will be doing this every day.

We have been testing our general knowledge, maths and grammar knowledge and learning all about each other through a variety of activities.

We had a look at internet and social media security and how to keep ourselves safe online.  We watched a fun video that highlighted how different our ‘online’ life is to our actual life.  We had a very interesting and thought provoking discussion around this.  If you would like to view the video it is available at:

We have been looking at our rights and decided which UNCRC articles we believe to be most important and that we would like to include in our class charter.  This coming week we will decide upon a theme for our display and a photo will be uploaded onto our blog once it is finished.  The children also decided upon class rules.

Our P7s have been doing a great job as buddies to our new P1s.  Well done guys!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and the sunshine!

See you tomorrow! 🙂 🙂

Miss Preston x

First week in Primary 7

It’s been a great first week in Primary 7. We have been keeping fit by either running or walking a mile each day.

Our main learning focus has been our class charter, we have discussed and highlighted the most important rights and explored different themes to make our class charter even better. Some ideas include Article Ocean, Article Wall, Football, Space and also perhaps relating it to our new novel.

Our class novel is ‘Toro, Toro’ and we are enjoying this a lot and have learned a little about the Spanish Civil War.

We have also learned more about Picasso’s Art work and have started creating our own masterpieces.

Finally and very importantly in our roles of P7 Buddies we have been helping our buddies settle into Primary 1.

It’s great to be back and we can’t wait for next week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Alyx and Zoe

Primary 7


Our focus skill for this week is ANALYSE

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of analysing in their learning this week are:

Primary 1B

Liliana G and Adam S

Primary 1F

Abbie Mc and Jordan Mc

Primary 2/1

Lewis R and Zoe Mc

Primary 2

Lewis S and Erica D

Primary 3/2

Jack P and Kaiden S

Primary 3

Zac W and Katie C

Primary 4

Callum M and Connor M

Primary 5/4

Callan C and Caitlin S

Primary 5

Logan T and Ryan M

Primary 6

Maisie H and Ronnie E

Primary 7/6

Nikolas S and Alyx B

Primary 7

Shawn G and Katelyn T

Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 12th June

P3/2 Update :)

Last week we performed extremely well during our class assembly!  We hope you enjoyed watching us and seeing what we have been learning this year.

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We have been finishing off our IDL topic of People that help us within our local community.  We planned and designed a new ‘ideal’ Blackburn that would have a variety of new amenities.  These varied from a hospital, fire station, entertainment such as soft play and swimming pools!  Here are some pictures of our designs.

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In maths we have been working in measurement.  We have now moved onto measuring using centimetres and metres.  In numeracy we are continuing to work on number and addition strategies.


We had our literacy assessment this week.  Our focus has been on ‘functional/instructional’ writing.  This week we had to write clear and concise instructions on a) How to make a sandwich or b) How to put on a jacket.

Celebrating success


This week the Skillionaire skill was ‘Create’.  Our class winners were Lauren McGuire and Anna Findlay.  The girls won their award for their new Blackburn town plan.  Well done girls!

Next week’s skill is Analyse.  Good luck everyone!

Blackburn’s Got Talent Final!

We would like to wish Marti and Neve lots of luck for tonight’s final!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Preston, Mrs Anderson and P3/2 xx

P3/2 :)

We have had a very ‘higgelty piggelty’ week in P3/2 as we have been without a classroom for most of it!  However, yesterday we moved back in to our newly painted classroom and we love our new lilac and purple theme!

Literacy: We have been developing our skills of ‘instructional/functional’ writing.  After our visit from Miss Alien from planet Zorg last week who simply could not understand our instructions of how to put a jacket on (silly alien!) we have been writing instructions for a variety of basic activities such as brushing your teeth, putting on shoes.  We then put our instructions to the test to see if we provided sufficient information.  The results varied and we are becoming more aware of the importance of not making assumptions when writing with an instructional/functional purpose.

Numeracy:  This week we continued with our number focus.  We had a ‘Mild, Spicy, Hot’ challenge on Thursday.  On reflection the majority of the class felt that they had not really challenged themselves.  This is something that we will work on as we progress into the term.  Now we are settled back into class and have no further Monday’s off we will be progressing our Measurement subject area.

PE:  We will be developing our athletic skills such as throwing, jumping, sprinting.  Mrs Logan is working with the children on gymnastic skills.

IDL: Now we are settled back into our class we will be picking up our topic work as of Monday.  We are looking at people within our community that help us.  We will be linking this into our French language and developing our French vocabulary.  We now have a specific ICT area within our class where the laptops will be set up for the children to use for literacy/numeracy/French interactive games, independent/collaborative research etc.

Celebrating Success

As everything has been mixed up this week we did not award a Star of the Week – we will have two next week to make up for this.


This week our Skillionaire focus was Evaluating.  Our two class winners were Anton Lamb and Leighla Brookes.

Well done to both of you!

Murrayfield’s Got Talent!

I was an extremely proud teacher in today’s whole school final as I watched SIX of P3/2 pupils perform in Murrayfield’s Got Talent final!! Both acts from our class did amazingly well today.  It takes a lot of courage, confidence and self-belief to stand up and perform in front of such a large audience!  So a HUGE well done to all 6 finalists.

I am even more pleased to announce that Marti Muirhead and Neve McMillan were chosen to got to the Blackburn’s Got Talent Final!!!



Hope you all have a great weekend!

Miss Preston x