Category Archives: Primary 7

This week in Primary 7…

In Numeracy we have been applying our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages through problem solving. We have also worked in pairs to deepen our understanding of percentages. We are in the process of creating some super posters to demonstrate our learning!

In Literacy we are using our previous work of character description, setting description and time travel to create a ‘Time Travelling Tale’. Primary 7 have worked hard to write a mini saga for a Young Writers Competition. There are three golden rules that we have to follow and the first one is the trickiest!!!

Golden Rules of Mini Saga Writing:
1) Mini sagas must be no more than 100 words
2) Mini sagas must have a beginning, middle and an end.
3) Mini sagas must be written in your own words.

Here is an example of one the excellent competition entries…

On a cold and rainy night the Doctor pressed the button and zoomed to the future. He arrived at an old evil haunted house. It was 10 o’clock. The front door opened with a loud creek, it was covered with giant spider webs. He stepped into the house very slowly, he felt the dangerous atmosphere. He caught a glimpse of a shadow, a shadow as fast as a plane taking off. Suddenly the Doctor felt someone tap his back. Startled, he ran, ran for his life, he ran fast! It was an old spirit that chased him, chased him to the death.

By James McGuire

In other areas of the curriculum we have been learning more about how everyday appliances are designed. We have also been very busy practising for the Christmas Variety Show. Hope to see you there. Remember to get your tickets from Mrs Strachan.

Enjoy your weekend!
Primary 7

This week in P7

This week we have been making posters for the NHS sharing what we know about substance misuse. We had to make sure the posters were eye catching so that people could see it and take notice.
To bring an end to our money topic we presented a short power point to the class. This task helped us to review our learning and practise our presentation skills.
P7 have also been very busy visiting Bathgate Academy. This was a transition visit. We were given a short tour and worked in groups to complete a Treasure Hunt. We learned lots of different things about Bathgate Academy and even spoke to some of the teachers!! It was fun and we are really looking forward to going to high school.
In Numeracy we have been learning about decimals but we still needed some practise to simplify fractions. Mrs Anderson set some hard problems for the class to solve, she reminded us how to simplify fractions and we worked together as a class teaching each other. At the end of the session everyone had their Thumbs Up to show that they understood. It was lots of fun!
Have a nice weekend!

Miss Forrest and Miss Lamb
P7 Bloggers

P7 Homework Challenge

Before the holidays Primary 7 were set the challenge of creating a scene from their reading book. I was delighted and impressed with the scenes from Captain Underpants, Superfudge, The Mazerunner and Jungle Shorts today. Each scene, even though some were from the same book, were unique and demonstrated great both creativity and innovative ideas.

Well done!!

Mrs Anderson 🙂

Kieran - Captain Underpants

Zoe - Superfudge

Amber - Mazerunner

Alyx - Mazerunner

Brooke - Captain Underpants

Josh - Mazerunner

Sean - Jungle Shorts

Naomi Tait - Mazerunner

Nikolas - Mazerunner

James M - Mazerunner

Daryl - Captain Underpants

Jamie - Captain Underpants

James H - Superfudge

Primary 7 – Money Museum Visit

Primary 7 had a fantastic time travelling through to Edinburgh of the train.

We discovered a lot more about where money originated from and how to keep it safe.

The children worked hard to plan the trip, behaved excellently during the trip and excelled when asked to write a recount of the trip.

Please read one of our recounts to find out a little more about the day:

Money Museum

Yesterday we went to the Money Museum to learn more about money. We had been planning it for days. We traveledto the train station by a bus, then caught the train. When we arrived in Edinburgh we walked up to the museum. We were split up into three groups, one group with Mrs Walker, second group with Mrs Anderson and the third group with Mrs Cordner.

My group went with Pinjia first. We were talking about money used 300 years ago. Pinjia took a bag out, we got to feel the money from 300 years ago. They were shells that used to be money. We went back to the room to get our snack. The other group we went with was Elca. We learned how to make a £20 note. We were told that if you tried to fake a £20 note you were executed. We got to draw on a real £20 note.

My group went with the last teacher Hannah. We got to build a copy of the building. It took us 38 seconds to build it. We were shown two safes, we needed to open them. At the end we managed to open the best safe and retrieve the postcards. Then we walked to the Edinburgh train station and went on the train. When we arrived in Bathgate train station we walked 2.2 miles back to school.

I learnt lots of facts about money and I didn’t know that they used shells for money. At the trip I learnt that if you tried to fake a £20 note you got executed and I used my listening skills and drawing skills. I learnt also that they got red birds and took off the feathers and made a 9 metre belt that was used as money. At the end we saw 2 big safes and at night there was 1 person at night to guard it. I learnt how to open it and used learning skills.

by Nikolas


Primary 7 Update :)

We have been working on fractions of an amount in numeracy using our dividing skills. We were also mixing colours for our new art project, we are creating our own Murrayfield street to go on the wall and we have been working very hard in partners. In P.E we were doing a hardcore workout that we had to concentrate and use our strength. We took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside to enjoy the nice sun. We all completed a mini alphabet treasure hunt in the front and back playground. For literacy we are taking part in a Dr Who competition where we all have to write a 3 minute script for a scene, we will be working extra hard on this project and we cant wait to get our entries in! We hope you have a nice weekend, goodbye! 🙂

Primary 7 – Weekly Update

This week in P7 we have been using our creative skills in Numeracy, we have created our own maths board game in groups to aid others. In our maths groups, we have been using our dividing skills to work out fractions of a number. We were also treated to a spectacular show of ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ and a musical performance of ‘Sound School’ and we thought it was amazing how four people could put on such great show, the three piece band was incredible as they could recreate familiar tunes! We have been planning on a school trip and we have been doing some research and problem solving to work out any transport issues. We have been continuing with our mile a day and we have been using some great techniques for football & dribbling. We have enjoyed our learning this week and can’t wait for more!

Alyx, Sean and Kieron

First week in Primary 7

It’s been a great first week in Primary 7. We have been keeping fit by either running or walking a mile each day.

Our main learning focus has been our class charter, we have discussed and highlighted the most important rights and explored different themes to make our class charter even better. Some ideas include Article Ocean, Article Wall, Football, Space and also perhaps relating it to our new novel.

Our class novel is ‘Toro, Toro’ and we are enjoying this a lot and have learned a little about the Spanish Civil War.

We have also learned more about Picasso’s Art work and have started creating our own masterpieces.

Finally and very importantly in our roles of P7 Buddies we have been helping our buddies settle into Primary 1.

It’s great to be back and we can’t wait for next week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Alyx and Zoe

Primary 7