Children In Need 2017
Friday 17th November
Bring £1 to wear something ‘spotty’ or ‘dotty’
There will also be some delicious baking on sale, so bring some extra pennies.
This week P7, we have been learning in a variety of different ways, from using laptops for editing spelling mistakes to using whiteboards to show our understanding about concepts.
We have continued to learn Ceilidh dances, and surprised ourselves with the amount of fun we can gain from dancing with a partner or in a group.
We have also learnt:
The Literacy Leaders
This week in p7
We have been learning:
Everyone has now been allocated jobs to support in and around the school. We have been given the following roles to build our interpersonal skills and support the younger pupils:
On Thursday P7 went to Bathgate Academy to take part in the Transition Treasure Hunt. We had a lot of fun finding the answers, speaking to S6 pupils and meeting staff in different departments at the Academy.
Date for you diary
P7 will be hosting the whole school assembly on Friday 17th November. Please come along to watch.
Hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend from P7 🙂
Thank you to Leah Graham, Lara Findlay and Callan Cairney for writing our blog entry this week.
We were proud to have two of our Primary 7 House Captains, Lara Findlay and Aarin Higgins represent us at the P7 Pupil Consultation on Friday 6th October 2017 at West Lothian’s Civic Centre. There, they met with other P7 pupils from selected Primary Schools across the Authority to give their views on the quality of the education they receive. Following the Consultation, they were given a quick tour of the Council Chambers. What a terrific experience!
Well done to Sam Parker who represented Murrayfield Primary School at the finals of the West Lothian P7 Cross Country on Wednesday 4th October. Slippy terrain and a blustery day didn’t stop him from reaching the finishing line. Well done Sam!
Unfortunately homework club was unable to take place today as there were several events taking place within the school and there was no working area available during our lunch time. There will be a homework club slot tomorrow (Thursday) for any children who were unable to attend today and still have homework tasks to complete. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Normal times will resume next week.
Mrs Waugh
Good morning Blackburn!
We don’t let the grass grow under our feet in the mornings here at Murrayfield. Children love joining in with our Wednesday “Wake up, Shake up” classes because they are great fun. Why don’t you come along to Breakfast Club and join in the fun if you are in P1 – P7? ( Sorry parents – if you are interested we can see if we can arrange a session for you to join in too!)
Breakfast club gets us off to a fantastic start every morning. It’s free to all pupils and we love to welcome newcomers. Doors open at 8.15am.
Our Breakfast club children got off to an early start in “building their learning” this morning. There was huge excitement when they discovered a box of Lego in the cupboard and as soon as they had eaten their breakfast, they came over to start creating! Dot in the Kitchen very kindly donated some trays for them to use to keep the bits tidy on the tables. We are looking forward to seeing some lovely masterpieces from them.
Meanwhile, some of our other “early learners” worked to piece together cogs and to see how they worked together to make the different cogs spin. There was a lot great learning going on, well before the bell even rang. The best thing is that they were all having so much fun, they didn’t even realise how much learning was going on!
Another group of early morning explorers tackled Tangrams and either used the pieces to build their own pictures or decided to try to make the pictures shown on cards.
It is lovely to see our pupils eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and to see them safe and happy in the school environment, ready to go into their classes and learn. If your child has not yet come along to the breakfast club, please feel free to come along for a quick look or ask a member of staff for details. The more, the merrier!