Category Archives: Primary 6

Dounans 2018

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend!  On behalf of the staff who attended Dounans this year, we’d like to thank our happy campers for their excellent behaviour, lovely manners and great company over the week.  It was great to see you achieve things you doubted you would be able to do, to see you overcome fears and support each other in so many different ways.  Your children were a credit to you and it was wonderful to hear the praise from instructors and other adults who  commented regularly on what a lovely group they were.

Here are a few more photos which I have just downloaded from the Ipad.  Sorry they are a bit later than the others.  Before anyone panics, I’d like to point out that the photos which look as though there are children falling from trees are actually a highly controlled descent facilitated by one of the instructors who encouraged the children to adopt a Superman pose on the way down!  They loved it!  I think you will also agree from the looks on their faces at the raft building activity, they had so much fun, even though the water was, to quote Zander, “a bit fresh”.

Glad to see that you have enjoyed sharing our experiences throughout the week.


P6 & P7 Campers – Homeward Bound!

Happy to report that our campers are on the bus and heading home after what has been an amazing week.  Estimated time of arrival is between 11.45am – 12.00pm depending on the traffic.  If there are going to be any major delays, then we will contact you again using Groupcall.

We look forward to seeing them all and welcoming them home.  Remember, you can collect your child at this time and take them home….most will probably be exhausted and looking for a wee cuddle : )

Mrs Waugh


Creating Sculptures in class and outdoors using different materials

The pupils who have chosen to stay in school, while the happy campers are away are having lots of fun learning experiences too!

The pupils were learning about the art of sculpture by exploring different artists, such as Andy Scott and Antony Gormley.  They were then challenged to use playdough to create animals sculptures and playing cards to build tall structures. We also went outside and used natural materials to try to create our own animal sculptures.