Category Archives: Primary 6


Primary 6 have wasted no time and we have started becoming experts in our new book ‘Voices in the Park’ by A Browne. The story is about two families visiting a park and we enjoyed comparing their experiences. We explored what the book was about as a class and then we read it in smaller groups to get a better look at the pictures. It was really enjoyable investigating the stories and developing our higher order thinking skills. We can’t wait to share it with our book buddies!

Calling ALL Actors and Actresses!


It’s show season once again…

So we need enthusiastic and committed actors and actresses to be part of Murrayfield’s spectacular show this year!

This year’s show will be unveiled and auditions will be held during the first week back to school…

You could use this week to begin to think about an audition piece which is no longer than one minute in length. It could be a song or a poem, or just a piece of dialogue from a film/show.

We are very excited to see your talent so watch this space and you could be ‘treading the boards’ as a leading woman/man in May…


Miss Gibson, Mrs Mackie and Mrs Logan

Math Skills with Bathgate Academy

As part of our transition to high school some children in P7 and P6 have been meeting through Glow to practice their number skills.

We used whiteboards to solve problems and then show them to Mrs McGregor using the webcam.

This time we were developing our understanding of Roman Numerals and completed a follow up sheet in the classroom.

‘I thought it was really fun doing Roman Numerals because we have never done that before’ Sherelle

‘I learnt how to change numbers into Roman Numerals’ Abi

If you would like to practice any more number work please use this link:

It will take you to the ‘Puzzle of the Month’ in the maths faculty area.

Primary 6 are Jacobite wild!

Our topic is the Jacobites along with P6/7. We have been learning about the period in Scottish history from 1688-1745. We have been learning using different methods, for example creating timelines and researching using the laptops and finding lots of information out using the internet.

We have decorated our own kilts made out of paper and displayed them on the classroom wall. We are really enjoying learning about all the different people who lived in Jacobite times and why they went to war.

We are very enthusiastic about this topic. We really enjoyed planning it with Miss Gibson and Mrs Mackie.

Scottish Children’s Book Awards Voting!

Primary 1-2 and Primary 6 have been really busy getting ready to vote for their favourite SCBA Book. The contenders were…

Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson

Whats the Time Mr Wolf? by Debi Gliori

and The Jumblebum by Chae Strathie and Ben Cort

Miss Gibson is collecting the votes at the moment but there seems to be a clear winner!

Stay posted to find out which one we enjoyed reading the most together!

Brilliant Buddies Book Review!

For three weeks now, P6 have been reading with P1F. We have shared a variety of books from the Scottish Book Trust. We have read Jumblebum, Paper Dolls and What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

We have been doing lots of exciting things with our buddies, like reading and writing our own book reviews. ‘It was a pleasure to read to them’ said one P6. We feel that this has developed our confidence when reading out loud. One of our P6’s said ‘it has build our confidence to read better to them!’.

Some of the P6’s went down to the language centre and wrote our book reviews with the children in the language centre. We used our creativity and also evaluated the three books.

We can’t wait to read to our buddies next week!