Category Archives: Primary 6

Camp Update 2 at 14.20 a.m.

Hi All,

Everyone at camp has been fed and watered and our staff reported that there was plenty of variety and choice for all.

The whole group has now been split into their 4 activity groups and were just heading off to take part in their first outdoor activity.

The afternoon activities include Zip Wire, Trapeze and Motorsports. The groups will have a chance to take part in 2 activities this afternoon before heading off to dinner.

Each group has a member of staff with them…poor Mrs Stewart is gutted as she has been told she’s too old for the quad bikes!!!

P.S. I have been sent a photograph but can’t get it to upload yet – I’m working on fixing this but will pop a copy onto the parent noticeboard outside the school.

Mrs Waugh

Dalguise Happy Campers!

We are happy to report that our campers have all arrived safe and well at Dalguise.

The group are currently having a quick meeting and welcome session with the Dalguise staff and going over some of the basic rules, fire procedures etc. They will be heading for their lunch at 12.15 and then will be getting stuck into their afternoon activities.

We will try to keep you updated as news come in from our staff. Photographs to follow once the children get settled and have their lunch. Thanks to all our parents for their support and patience this morning.
Mrs Waugh

Hall of Fame – Emma Parker, P6

We were delighted to hear about Emma Parker’s fantastic achievement at a swim meet at the end of August.  Emma, one of our P6 pupils who swims for Whitburn’s Trojan Swimming Club, won an incredible 6 Gold medals and 2 Silvers and achieved a personal best in her swimming time.  Congratulations Emma!  We are all very proud of you and can’t wait until the next Commonwealth Games…  

Fitness Fortnight


Dear Parent/ Guardian

The final two weeks of term will be fitness fortnight (16th – 27th June).  During this two week period your child will be participating in a variety of health, fitness and sporting events.

During fitness fortnight you child will not be required to wear uniform apart from a few specific days.  In these two weeks they may wear sports clothing suitable for indoor and outdoor activities (No football strips).

Uniform Days:

Fri 20th June – Church Service

Fri 27th June – P7 Leaving Assembly.

Children should bring normal P.E. kit on these days as fitness activities will still continue.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Benyon