Category Archives: Primary 6

P7/6 Big Talk Task

Primary 7/6 Big Talk Task for Thursday 29th September 2016:

I would like you to talk about who you want to be when you grow up. Think about your aspirations for life and discuss these with an adult at home. You could even ask them what they wanted to be when they were younger!

Be ready to talk about this next week!


Mr Richards

Thursday 22nd September 2016.

This week in Primary 6/5

The class have been learning about the riches of the Rainforest through reading. In pairs we had to read the text and find tricky vocabulary and information.

In class we have a challenge to Beat The Teacher. As a class we are working together to develop good listening skills.  Every time we are asked to listen and remain quiet, we earn point against the teacher.

Rookie Rockstars have been in school all week.  We have learnt songs about friendship and anti-bullying. In between songs, we had challenge time and question time. We liked watching Mrs Stewart sing with marshmallows in her mouth; and Mr Richards and Miss Moir rapping nursery rhymes. We are proud of our super star teachers 🙂 We are looking forward to listening to our CD and performing next Thursday in our school concert.

Our homework challenge was to find numbers in our local environment. We surprised at how many numbers we found. Lara, Katie W, Ellie and Nathan all earned a head teacher’s award for their amazing homework.  Well done!  I’m looking forward to this standard every week!

We hope you had a chance to look at our previous blog entries and like our class charter.

Please remember Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September are holidays.

On Wednesday we are looking forward to taking part in careers masterclasses.


P7/6 latest news

Hello and welcome to our latest blog entry. This week we have:

  • Continued practicing our cursive handwriting
  • Place value work in maths
  • Rookie Rockstars were in all week with the whole school. They taught us 5 songs and we recorded a CD on Thursday. We have a Rookie Rockstar concert next Thursday at 6.30 p.m. in the school and we hope to see you there.
  • Mr Richards took part in a rap battle together with Miss Moir and 2 primary 7 children. Obviously Mr Richards & Miss Moir won!!
  • We took part in a DJ session where we learned how to use mixing decks, play a DJ set and  how to make your own tracks! It was really loud but brilliant fun.
  • We learned about the Japanese Art Form of Origami (paper folding).

Have a lovely holiday weekend and see you all next week!

Thanks to Lisa, Leah G and Leah W for helping with this week’s blog.

Celebrating Wider Achievements in P6/5


Owen Hannah from P6/5 shared a certificate today at assembly. During the summer, Owen had the chance to participate in an organised activity, which involved learning to use an air rifle to shoot at a target. Let’s see if Owen can hit all his targets this year in his learning! 😉

Well done Owen! Great achievement 🙂

Hopefully as the year progresses we’ll be able to share more wider achievements from Primary 6/5.

Latest news from P7/6

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest news from P7/6. This week we have:

  • Carried out independent research on our class topic on Scotland/Japan comparison.
  • Looking at 7, 8 and 9 digit numbers and counting up in 10’s & 100’s
  • In guided reading we looked at vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  • In Big Talk, we discussed the features of a newspaper report and then we had to write our own newspaper reports!
  • We looked at risk taking, negative thoughts and positive thinking within our lives.
  • In P.E. we started working on our short tennis skills and outside with P7, we took part in a huge game of noughts and crosses!

A big thank you to Logan O., Joshua M. and Dale R. for helping with the blog this week. Have a nice weekend! 😉

P7/6 BIG TALK task!

Today the children were given their second “Big Talk” challenge for next Thursday (15th September). The details are below (just in case anyone loses the note I gave them!) Many thanks for your continuing support. 🙂

Primary 7/6 Big Talk Task for Thursday 15th September 2016:

Online Blogs – please discuss with your parent/carer all of the features of an online blog. Do they use paragraphs? Do they use slang or unusual words? What else do you notice about a blog?

Be ready to talk about this next week!


Mr Richards, Thursday 8th September 2016.

Week Two in P6/5

This week in P6/5 we have been focusing on ‘Make It Grow’ enterprise ideas and have written our first drafts of letters to Ms Macrae requesting our donation of ten pounds. We are considering ideas such as a holding a sports tournament, creating Pokémon card games, decorating biscuits and a movie afternoon for pupils. We hope everyone will support our attempts to raise money for our class.

Our class charter is based on ‘Pokémon Go’ – We’re Going places in our learning!  Each pupil designed their own Pokémon trading card and for achievements in learning, they will gain a rainbow Pokeball. A Pokeball recognises individual pupils that have worked hard throughout the week. 

The children were set their first piece of homework and most produced great results. They researched Olympics athletes or Paralympic athletes who have overcome challenges to succeed in their sport.  Many of the athletes demonstrate great determination and hopefully will inspire us not to give up!  Thank you to all the parents or carers for helping the children complete their homework.

Homework will be given out on Mondays and should be returned on Thursdays completed and signed. 

Gym days will be on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Please ensure your child comes appropriately prepared for indoor and outdoor gym.

P6/5 had an amazing week at school! P6/5 said they love their new teacher Mrs Harrison 🙂 


P7/6 latest news!

Hello everyone – here is the latest news from P7/6! This week we have:

  • Written formal letters asking for information or advice and to give ideas.
  • Completed cursive handwriting challenge cards.
  • Looked more at numicon and how to use them correctly.
  • Had a look through and experimented with our maths resources.
  • Played maths games on the DS’s and were given a new login so we can play maths games at school/home.
  • We talked about our feelings and emotions when certain things happen to us.
  • We chose our reading books from the school library as well.

A big thank you to Neve, Connor and Marcus for helping with the blog this week. Have a nice weekend.



Guided Reading

What is Guided Reading?

Within Murrayfield Primary School guided reading sessions will take place 3 – 4 times a week in each class.

  • Children will be divided into ability groups, according to their reading comprehension age.
  • Comprehension means understanding what has been read and being able to talk or write about it._

3 – 4 sessions per week

  • Before and During reading

Working in pairs to discuss text and make predictions. Reading for fluency.

  • After reading

Teacher works with the group. Focus on comprehension skills, writer’s craft, grammar punctuation. Teaching reading skills and listening to reading and discussing fluency.

  • Follow-up

Pupils  work on follow-up reading/writing activities, relating to the text.Opportunities for independent/paired/group work and collaborative work.

  • Vocabulary work

Investigating new/ambitious vocabulary. Finding definitions and using vocabulary within a context.