Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 7/6 Big Talk challenge homework

Hi. Please find below information about Primary 7/6’s “Big Talk” challenge which should be completed in time for our “Big Write” challenge next Thursday (17th November 2016).


“In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes” – Andy Warhol

I would like you to discuss the above quote with an adult at home, and talk about what it means to be famous. Would you like to be famous? What would you like to be famous for?

Be ready to talk about this next week in preparation for your big write task.

Thanks. Mr Richards, Thursday 10th November 2016.

News from P6/5

This week has been an interesting time, with only 16 pupils in the class! We waved the P6 and P7 pupils off to camp and wished them well. The smaller class hasn’t stopped the learning and we have been very busy.

In Maths, we have been learning to locate and plot specific co-ordinate points on a grid.  Many of the children discovered how maths is included in aspects of real life contexts, by playing against each other in Battleships.  The learning was fun but very competitive!

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We began creating items for our Make It Grow fund.  Further details will follow so please watch out for blog updates.

We watched an entertaining drama on the Gunpowder plot and linked it to today’s events that surround an opening ceremony in the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Parliament also helped inspire art work. We focused on the Scottish elements used in the building design and have started creating our own stain glass windows.

On Friday, Bathgate Fire Service visited the class to talk to us about the dangers of bonfires & fireworks. The fire service are encouraging everyone to attend organised Firework displays and avoid situations where inexperienced adults and teenagers are setting them off. Please encourage your child to wear gloves if handling sparklers, stand back behind barriers at organised displays and report any misuse of fireworks to an adult.  Please have fun everyone and stay safe at any Guy Fawkes celebrations this weekend 🙂

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Hello from P7/6

Some of our class have been away at school camp this week but we have been incredibly busy this week! This week we have:

  • Community Action Blackburn posters based on the theme of improvements & changes in Blackburn.
  • We created a display for the whole school based around the theme of RESPECT.
  • We carried out research from a selection of library books on endangered animals to help us carry out our BIG WRITE task.
  • We created some Neon Disco posters for display around the school. This was to help advertise our enterprise initiative and details have also been posted to the blog.
  • We received a visit from Bathgate Fire Service to talk to us about the dangers of bonfires & fireworks. PLEASE KEEP SAFE THIS BONFIRE NIGHT.
  • We have also had an opportunity to try indoor curling with Graeme Young in the gym hall.
  • Finally Mr Richards has set us a “Big Talk” task for Thursday 10th November and here are the details:

Primary 7/6 Big Talk Task for Thursday 10th November 2016:

I would like you to talk about why it is important to be honest and tell the truth and not lie. Why do you think that?

Ask an adult at home what they think.

Be ready to talk about this next week.

Thanks for reading and we’ll see you all again soon!

Dalguise – A Variety of Photographs from Day 2 and 3

Sorry for the delay, I’ve had trouble with the internet on and off in school and at home and have been unable to access the blog all day.  However, I have finally managed to post some more photographs for you to enjoy having a look at (the only problem is I can’t get the images to rotate so some are on their side, sorry!!)  The teachers report that all is going well and that the children have been taking part in activities such as problem solving, fencing, riding quad bikes and the zip wire!


Looks like the staff are having fun too

Mrs Waugh

Dalguise Update

Yesterday the children took part in two activities during the day, the tree climb and the trapeze.  Mrs Millar sent me a message to say how happy all the children were and that the staff are extremely proud of how well they challenged themselves during the activities.  (photographs attached)

Mrs Millar reports that the only person to slip and slide was herself … apparently there is a lovely peachy bruise! (no photograph attached!)

Mrs Waugh

Dalguise Update – Day One

Hi All,

Mrs Millar, Mrs Vince and Mrs Johnston report that the children are having a great time and that they have been kept busy since the moment they arrived.  A couple of photographs have been sent to my phone, which I will attach to this post.  Sometimes the mobile reception is poor and there can be a delay in these being sent or received successfully.  I will continue to update and post photographs as they arrive.

Hope you all enjoy a peaceful evening without your little gems and I’ll keep you posted on how their first evening/ overnight went.

Mrs Waugh

News from P6/5

Welcome back after the October holidays.  Our week began with the pupils sharing their adventures and news. It was lovely to have them all come back to school safely after a week off.

The School Value for November

The word in school is RESPECT!

The class has been discussing the value of respect and what it means to us. We know respect means to be polite, show kindness and care about others, but agreed we now need to work on considering the words we say, the tone of voice we use and behaviour we demonstrate in the classroom and in all areas of the school.

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Topic for the Term

We reflected on learning about the rainforest. We were all amazed about the knowledge and skills we have gained.

Our new topic for this term is going to be The Scottish Parliament. Together the class planned a list of questions to investigate over the term. We would be delighted if parents and carers could talk more with us about the Scottish Parliament and how it works for Scotland.

Go Green, Go Wild

On Friday we held our Go Green , Go Wild dress up day.  We are pleased to announce we have raised £139.71 to help our great cause of saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  The children in the school looked absolutely fantastic! Thank you to all the parents and carers for donating money and helping us play our part in being eco friendly.  We will up date the blog with information on the chosen charity very soon.

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Have a great weekend!