Category Archives: Primary 1

Fun in the Snow!

Lots of snow hasn’t stopped David and his little sister from having fun outdoors!

Building an igloo with Dad might have been hard work but it looks great! Well done!


If anyone else in P2/1 have any ‘Snow day’ pictures they would like to share, please send them to me on Class Dojo and I will post them to the school blog.

Mrs M :o)


Euroquiz postponed

Unfortunately the West Lothian heats of this year’s EUROQUIZ which were due to take place tomorrow have had to be postponed due to the snow.  Hopefully a new date will be set soon and our Euro-tastic team will be able to put all their hard work to use.  Thank you all for all your hard work and commitment so far Lewis, Mia, Zac, Robbie, Emma and Eryn!  It has been a pleasure to work with you all – and fun too!

Outdoor Learning for P2/1

Hands up if you are missing school yet!

Here are some Science activities to keep you busy if you are brave enough to venture outside!

Anyone going sledging today?!  Does the weight of an object make it go faster/further down a slope? What does friction do to an object moving down-hill? Is sledging a push or pull force? Or both?!

Can you build a snowman taller than you?  What force (push or pull)  do you use when building a snowman?

Make a snowball, weigh it.  Watch what happens to the snowball when it is indoors.  When it has completely melted, weigh is again?  Is there any change?  Can you draw the snowball at the start and then at the end of your experiment?

I’ve added a Snow Hunt activity that you could do IF you are out and about.

Have fun whatever you are doing today and remember to stay warm and safe!

Mrs M

Snow day hunt

Snow day hunt

New challenges for P1

Good morning! Yet another snow day………….I hope you had a fun day in the snow yesterday! 🙂

Keep sending your photos on class dojo of all the fun and learning in the snow!   I seen these challenges (photos below) on twitter and thought maybe you and an adult would enjoy completing these.  They are for older boys and girls but I’m sure adults will enjoy these as much as the little ones! :D…..Every day is a school day!

Remember to share your photos on class dojo,

Miss Akram 🙂

Difficulty accessing files from our blog

Thanks to everyone who let us know that they have been having difficulty accessing files from our blog today.

We think that the problem could be due to Word documents being uploaded.  I’ve asked staff to upload files in PDF format going forward.  In the meantime, please remember that if you do not have Word downloaded on your system at home, your child will be able to download the whole of Microsoft Office for FREE  on up to 5 devices – yes FREE – through Glow.  Not often you can say that nowadays!  So, if you have put off paying a huge amount to buy Office, just look for the icon when you first log in to Glow, on your launch pad and set about downloading it.

If neither of these solve your downloading problems, please let us know.  Thanks to Laura Compton for helping out!

Move down the page on the launch pad to the tiles below

Click on Office 365 Home to download

P1 Snow Day Learning

Good Morning Primary 1

Snow day today! I hope you all have a fun day in the snow!  I have attached (below – “P1 snow learning”)  some winter fun learning activities that you can complete today whilst you are off.  You can do as many tasks as you like but I do look forward to either hearing or even seeing (upload any snow day pictures on to class dojo) what you did whilst you were off 🙂

Keep safe and warm today,

Miss Akram 🙂


P2/1 Snow day learning.

So much for Spring just being around the corner!  Never mind, all this snow just means more fun!

Please find attached a Snow Learning activity sheet for the P1s and one for the P2s (just click on the link to download).

There are a few activities to try out.  You do not need to do them all but I look forward to hearing about your snow day when we return to school.

Have fun and stay safe!

Mrs Mackie

P1-snow-learning (1)

P2-snow-learning MPS

If you don’t have Word I have also included the activities as a PDF file below (just click on the link).

P1-snow-learning MPS

P2-snow-learning MPS


Push or pull? by P2/1

Today in class we were learning about forces.  We investigated how different toys might move.  We learned that there is a push or a pull force that makes them move.

We used different toys to help us learn about the push and pull force.  It was fun and didn’t feel like we were working BUT we learned lots and were able to share what we found out with others.

Cooper – I played with the play-doh.  I used a push and a pull force.

Kayleigh – I used a push force to make the play-doh flat!

Calvin – I rolled the play-doh into a sausage shape.  I was pushing and pulling.

Rhys – I used a straw to make the ball move.  I blew through the straw and the air pushed the ball forward.  It was a push force.

Kian – I played with the Lego. I pushed it to make it stick together but pulled it apart.

Jay – I pushed the trains to make them move.  It was a push force.

Viktoria – I used my body to push the hula-hoop. I used a push force.

Ruby – I pushed the cars to make them zoom!

Brooke – I pulled the car back and let it go and it went across the carpet.

This week in P1

We have continued to look at our mini topic of the Chinese New Year . Mrs Miller very kindly brought in lots of Chinese artifacts and the children had great fun looking through chop sticks, money wallets , hanging decorations and lanterns. The children even tried on traditional Chinese costumes!

In maths , we have started the topic of subtraction. Lots of good strategies being looked at and we are looking forward to more on this topic.