Category Archives: Primary 1

3D shape in P2/1

A few weeks ago in P2/1, we were learning about 3D shapes.  We took part in various activities such as looking for the shapes around the classroom, investigating as to whether the shapes rolled, stacked or both and also sorting real life objects into which shape they were.  Then we were set a 3D maths challenge.  We had to build a model from recycled materials such as cardboard tubes, cereal boxes etc BUT they had to include some of the 3D shapes that we had been learning about.  We brought them in to school this week and spoke about them.  They were so good that we invited Mrs Bruce to our class to have a look.  Mrs Mackie thought they were all fantastic and we wanted to share them with you all. Have a look at the amazing models we made….

Well done to everyone for all of their hard work!

Have a fantastic weekend.

Mrs M :o)

What’s that noise?!

This week in P2/1 we have been learning about the sense of hearing.  We had a listening walk around the school and drew the things we could hear.  We played a guessing game where we had to listen to different sounds and identify them.  Some were quite tricky. We also experimented with different instruments to find out if they made a quiet noise or a LOUD noise!

We use our ears to listen. – Ruby

We have to listen carefully to sounds. – Harris

Our ears have three bit.  The outer ear, the middle ear and the inside ear. – Adam

Soundwaves go into our ears and our ears send a message to our brain. – Cooper

We experimented with tuning forks and watched what happened to water when a tuning fork touched it.

The water exploded! – Kian

It splashed up.  – Lucy

We learned that vibrations cause soundwaves which make noise.

We also learned that people who can’t hear are deaf.  They communicate using hand signals called sign language.  We watched Mr Tumble and found out about loud and quiet noises.  He used sign language to talk to people.

Next week we will be using our noses to learn about the sense of smell!

Have a good weekend!



P1 News

We have been learning our doubles in Numbers – Max

We have been learning our “igh” sound – Emily K

We have been looking at our money again  and what coins are what – Lucas W

We were learning to write our keywords – Hallie

We have been learning our new topic sense and started to learn about our eyes – Kiera

Our pupil is the black bit in our eye – Amy

Our coloured part is called the iris – Aaron R

Our eyes help us look and see – Olly

We were learning other words that mean big – Kieran

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Akram

Eye, eye!

In P2/1 we have started learning about our senses.  This week we are finding out all about our sense of sight.  We learned that we use of eyes to see and that our eyes send messages to our brains.

We used mirrors to look at the different parts of our eyes.

Skyla – The iris is the coloured bit of our eyes.

Aaron – The black circle in the middle is the pupil.  If you shine a light in your eyes it gets smaller.  It protects your eyes from the bright light.

Can you see what colour of iris these children have?

We learned about the job that our eyelids and eyelashes do.

Kayleigh – They protect our eyeballs from dust.

Adam – It helps to keep our eyes clean.

Some people in our class had longer eyelashes than others!

We decided that Calvin had the longest eyelashes!

We watched a video clip to find out how our eyes work and then we draw a picture of one of our own eyes in our books and labelled it.

We will be learning more about the sense of sight tomorrow…..


P1 News this week…

We have been counting to 100 – Emily K

We were drawing and painting Charles Rennie McIntosh’s designs – Emily K

I was doing double sums – Alfie

We were looking at fact families – Emily Z

We were playing subtraction smash with play dough – Anya

We have been learning our “th” sound – Max

We had to find the right “th” word – Robyn

We have been reading lots – Lucas W

We have been counting in 5s – Aaron S

We have been trying harder to look after our school property – Hallie

We were cerebrating world book day today – Kiera

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Akram and P1 🙂

What we have been learning this week in P1……

We have been learning about taking away – Emily Z

We made roses for mothers day – Max

We have been learning new sounds in Literacy like oa, wh, th – Amy and Kieran

We have been using our listening ears – Anya

We have been making sure we are tracking the speaker – Kiera

We have been making sure we sit nice when we are on the carpet – Aaron R

We need to make sure we are “Shining” – Hallie (You can ask the boys and girls what this means! :0) )

We had to write a letter why the pink crayon is important because the crayons quit! :O (“The day the crayons quit” book) and a letter to our glue sticks because they have ran away!!! :O – Kiera

We were painting our very own crayon – Robbie

We have been learning about looking after our class property better 🙁  – Emily Kyle

We have also been working on being kind and helpful and not being bossy! – Hallie

We have been using the dice to play a game in subtraction using Lego – Aaron S

You have to roll the dice and take that many lego off your tower – Robbie

Have a lovely weekend from P1 and Miss Akram 🙂

P.S. remember to check twitter regularly for our learning! 🙂

No More Snow Please!

Hopefully after today  we won’t have any more snow for a LONG time.

Although it might not be everyone’s favourite weather Rhys and Adam obviously didn’t let it stop them from having fun!

The snow was so deep that it was almost up to Rhys’ knees!


Adam enjoyed making snow angels and having snowball fights with his sister and brother.  I wonder who won?


Just as well Adam and his brother Jack didn’t want to go cycling as their bikes were completely buried!



More Snow fun from P2/1

Lucy has been busy over the last few  days.

She made a super snowman who is much taller than her.  I love his smiley face!

She also made an amazing snow seat although I don’t think I’d like to sit in it for too long!

Well done Lucy!  Looks like you have had lots of fun.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs M :o)

Changing Water

I hope you are all enjoying your time off, but I hope you are looking forward to getting back to school.  I know I am and can’t wait to see you all soon!

If you’d like another activity to do, today or tomorrow, try this out….

During our last snowy days in January we learned that water can be a liquid (when you can pour it or drink it) a solid (when it freezes into ice or snow!) and a gas (steam coming out of the kettle).

Can you spot any changes in the snow around you?  What happens to the snow/ice when the temperature gets warmer?  What happens to water if you put it in the freezer? (or even leave it outside on a freezing cold day!).        Can you spot any water changing to gas in your house? Look at the kettle when mum or dad is making a hot drink or when someone is running a bath/shower.  *Remember not to touch it as it will be hot*.  What happens to the steam when it touches the walls or a mirror?  Where do you think the steam from the kettle goes?

Can you draw water in the different ways and label them? (solid/liquid/gas).

Mrs M :o)

Image result for solid liquid gas