Category Archives: Primary 1


Our focus skill for this week is EVALUATING

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of evaluating in their learning this week are:

Primary 1F

Abbie McAllister and Lyle Strachan

Primary 1B

Aleisha Quinn and Manda McCrae

Primary 2/1

Liam McCabe and Teresa Watt

Primary 2

Lennon Cameron and Alex McLean

Primary 3/2

Eryn Mushet and Morgan Thomson

Primary 3

Robbie Yates and Rachel Mighton

Primary 4

Lara Findlay and Connor Martin

Primary 5/4

Corey Thomson and Lenny Ndjoba

Primary 5

Charlotte McCabe and Amyleigh McAuley

Primary 6

Anthony McMullan and Brooke Devine

Primary 7/6

Alyx Bonnes and Sherelle Sneddon

Primary 7

David Charker and Cameron Stewart


Congratulations our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 6th February

Off We Go!

We have had a great week in Primary 1B.

In Number work we are learning to add two numbers together. This week we have been practising writing our sums down and we are trying very hard to remember to use careful counting!! Mrs Bowman was pulling funny faces because lots of people were writing their numbers down backwards so we decided to use our number lines to check our work. It worked! Now our work looks much better!

In language we are very excited. We get our new reading books on a Monday still but our reading with confidence day is changing to a Friday. Great, an extra day to practise.

Our new sounds this week were all the tunnel sounds in the vowel house and Mrs Bowman told us the story.


Christmas Party Time!

Christmas Parties start next week!

Tuesday 16th December – Primary 3 and 2

Wednesday 17th December – Primary 1

Thursday 18th December – Primary 5 and 4

Monday 22nd December – Primary 7 and 6

Christmas Parties will be as year groups.  All parties are in the afternoon.  Pupils can bring their party clothes on the day to change into.  Pupils are welcome to go home for lunch in order to change, but must inform the school.

Adjusting to Life in Primary 1B

Hello from Primary 1B!

We have already been learning lots of new things. Chloe has enjoyed learning about Kipper and his family. Manda likes mum and dad and lots of boys and girls enjoyed colouring them in and reading their words.

In number we have been learning about Penguin 1 and Ticklish 2. We decided that we need to have a practise as number two was a bit tricky. You can help us to practise.

We have been learning about children’s rights and responsibilities and have created a class charter which looks like a big wheel! It looks fabby! We have posted the picture to let you see.

Primary 1B

Fitness Fortnight


Dear Parent/ Guardian

The final two weeks of term will be fitness fortnight (16th – 27th June).  During this two week period your child will be participating in a variety of health, fitness and sporting events.

During fitness fortnight you child will not be required to wear uniform apart from a few specific days.  In these two weeks they may wear sports clothing suitable for indoor and outdoor activities (No football strips).

Uniform Days:

Fri 20th June – Church Service

Fri 27th June – P7 Leaving Assembly.

Children should bring normal P.E. kit on these days as fitness activities will still continue.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Benyon