Category Archives: Primary 1

Percy Visits Primary 1





On Tuesday Primary 1 welcomed a special visitor into the classes. Percy the Park Keeper arrived with his friend Mrs Stewart. We have been reading stories about Percy the Park Keeper and his animal friends, hedgehog, rabbit, fox and badger. We particularly enjoyed the story After the Storm and we were keen to tell Percy all our ideas for building the animals a new house. We also asked Percy lots of questions about his park and his animal friends. He showed us his tool bag and his knitted scarf from Auntie Joyce. He had also ate his Peanut Butter sandwiches on the way to school. We had great fun… Thank you Percy. Hope to see you again soon.

P1W and the new term!

We are already well underway with our learning for term 2.  This week:


  • we have been counting to 20 forwards and backwards
  • identifying numbers before and after within 10
  • adding 1 more and 2 more and counting how many we have
  • practising writing numbers to 10 using numicon and number lines to help us


  • we have been playing games in the class to help us learn the character names such as Floppy, Biff , Mum etc
  • we played bingo to help us match the name of the character to the person
  • we have een practising spelling the character names using our magnetic letters.


  • This week we clebrated Riley achieveing a Head Teacher Award for being a confident climber in gym with Mrs Logan. Well done Riley!!
  • McKenzii has been working hard to write his name at the top of his work!
  • Ethan and Jase worked well together as a team to problem solve our letter puzzle – they were this weeks skillionaires for applying problem solving skills to their learning. Well done boys!

P2/1 – What are we up to?


We have been extremely busy this term and its only just started. We have been settling back in to our newly painted classroom.  It is looking super smart and very clean and tidy. (for just now!!!) We have received an exciting email from KG2F from Abu Dhabi, it had a powerpoint introducing themsleves and their school.  We worked hard to send an email back introducing oursleves and our school.  We have started our new topic of houses and homes.  We enjoyed producing black line drawings of our houses to include detail of bricks, windows, doors and stones.

Learning in P1F

Primary 1F are learning all about castles this term! We will be exploring what life was like in a castle in the past, compared to our own lives now. This week we have been learning about knights and their role within a castle. We were learning about coat of arms and why each castle had a different design. We then had designed our own coat of arms. The finished product was fantastic! We’re excited to learn more on castles this term!

Miss Ferguson and P1F


Painting our shields
Expressive Arts fun!


Designing our unique shields