Category Archives: Primary 1

P1W 04.03.16

This week we have been working hard to practice our 1980’s assembly.  It went very well and Mrs Wedlock is extremely proud of us for doing a super job.  Mrs Bruce told us that she loved our assembly. So a big well done to all P1W!!!


In maths we have been learning to add doubles and near doubles.  We have learned a song to help us and we used little pacman characters to show our double facts. Mrs Wedlock is going to put them on the wall!

We have also being playing some board games from the 1980’s.

Mason – I liked kerplunk!

Leah – I loved playing Fibber!

Courtney – I had fun playing with an 80’s magic set.

Jase – I had fun playing with William and McKenzii at a game of Matching Pairs!


80's March 186 80's March 211 80's March 213 80's March 214

This week in Primary 1S

This week we have been learning lots:

Zoe – “We learned how to play Pacman. A computer game from the 1980s. I liked getting the dots.”

Millie – “We were looking for doubles and near doubles. 10 add 10 is 20.”

In Literacy we were using our knowledge of sounds to help us spell out words when writing the last part of the Jack and the Beanstalk story.

In Numeracy we used Pacman templates to show doubles. We made sure the Pacman were nice and bright. We also explored doubles and near doubles using the dominoes and numicon shapes, writing the doubles on a whiteboard.

On Thursday we all enjoyed learning about different books in our Masterclasses. We all came back to class excited about what we had learned.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Miss Simpson

P1 Love the 80s!!!


Primary 1 have had a great and productive week this week planning the 80’s Disco.

They made decorations for the hall, including ‘I love 80s’ t-shirts and banners. We wrote out invitations and posters to let people know about our Disco and even learned some groovy dance routines from the 80s. We like Agadoo the best.

The Disco today was a great success and everyone in the school looked fab all dressed in 80’s clothes… very bright colours. Everyone looked like they had a great time… so did we!

We would like to thank everyone for an amazing effort today and for joining in with our learning about the 1980’s.

This week in P1S

Leyla – “We have been learning about the 1980’s.”
Zoe – “We had a challenge during reading. My challenge was to write about a pet that I wanted and say why.”
Robert – “We are planning an 80’s Disco.”

We are all looking forward to the party and learning more about the 1980’s.

Millie – “We have been learning number stories to 5.”
Kirsty – “I enjoyed P2Bs assembly.”
Megan – “I liked when we were adding in our maths books.”


Wow!! What a quick week!  This week we have been learning:

Listening skills:

  • We have been working hard to improve our listening this week. Some of us have even made it onto the ‘good listener’ board.  We worked together as a team to make a chart for our classroom to track how many miles we have walked since January.  We try to go out for our ‘daily mile’ as many times a week as the weather permits.


  • reading activities this week have included keyword bingo, tricky words snakes and ladders, crocodile silly sentences and mixed up sentence sort.  Well done to Riley and McKenzii who got themselves a head teachers award for working independently during literacy activities, they both wrote the title and presented their work neatly.


  • number stories to make 5. We used cotton buds and paint to make dot patterns of numbers that go together to make 5. We also coloured in fish and cut them out to stick onto fish bowls.  We had to show a number story of 5 using our fish

Merry Christmas from Primary 1






We are all very excited as Santa Claus is coming to town very soon. We have had a great last week of term.

On Wednesday we had our Primary 1 Christmas Party. We all looked gorgeous in our party clothes and enjoyed playing some party games like corners and pass the parcel. We also got a nice surprise when Percy arrived to join in with the party games. The snack we had was delicious. Then we had another visitor… SANTA!!! We all sat very quietly waiting for our turn to tell Santa what we wanted for Christmas and to get our present from him. We all waited until everyone had their present then ripped open the paper. WOW a new book!!!

On Thursday we enjoyed a trip to the Panto to see Aladdin. It was great fun although the baddie was quite scary.

Mrs Wedlock and Miss Simpson wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope Santa is good to you all. See you all in 2016.











This week all our hard work payed off and we performed our Nativity – The Sleepy Shepherd. Mary (Eve) and Joseph (Peter) started the show off having not much luck trying to find a place to stay. The Innkeepers (Cameron, Tyler and Kenzie) were having a party and rocking with their guitars. Eventually, Innkeeper Cameron offered them his stable.

Meanwhile… There was a Sleepy Shepherd (Jase) and some very busy Shepherds looking after their sheep which kept running around the hill. One night, two Angels (Hali and Leah) appeared in the sky to tell the Sleepy Shepherd about a special baby being born in Bethlehem. The Angels showed off their gorgeous dresses and treated us to a brilliant dance performance. The other shepherds did not believe the Sleepy Shepherd so he strolled to Bethlehem on his own.

Back in Bethlehem there was a shining star (Millie) in the sky over the stable to show where the baby Jesus had been born. Mary and the Star treated us to some beautiful solo singing along with the help of some gorgeous twinkling stars. Then three kings and their camels came along to give presents to the baby Jesus.

The Shepherds were sorry that they didn’t believe the Sleepy Shepherd and they decided to go to Bethlehem too. So did the Innkeepers, Sheep, Stars, Angels and we had one last song.

Primary 1 did an amazing job along with the help of Primary 2.

Mrs Wedlock and Miss Simpson are two very proud teachers! Well done!