Category Archives: Primary 1

P1W 29.04.16

What a fun filled week in P1W!!!  A little visitor arrived in our class on Tuesday afternoon, it was so mysterious!! His name is Patch and he is a Puppet.  His sister Poppy arrived in the P1S classroom.  They haven’t told us much about where they have come from or why they are here.  They did tell us that they are twins and they asked us to tell them about ourselves.  We wrote a letter back to Patch and told him our name, age and if we had any brothers or sisters.  We can’t wait to have more fun with Patch next week!!

Here are some of the things we have been learning in Numeracy and Literacy!


  • Learning to take away 1 and take away 2
  • Learning to take away 0
  • Smartboard games for take away



  • New sound ‘oi’ – it’s a black sound that lives in the vowel house.
  • Reading skills – discussion about characters in our story? Who is your favourite? Why?
  • Writing – we are practising to write a diary entry to tell Mrs Wedlock some of the things that we have been doing at home.


P1W 22.4.16

This week we were introduced to our new topic………..PUPPETS!!!!!   We looked at a powerpoint that told us all about puppets from around the world.  We the worked on a poster to draw pictures to show what we know already about puppets and we used our writing skills to label our poster.

We have also started something new in maths, we have been learning about subtraction.   We also call this take away.  We have used fingers, play food, cubes and counters to practice counting out the big number at the start and then taking some away to see how many are left.

We would like to say another big welcome to Quinn who joined our class this week.  We are helping her to settle in and show her the routine of P1. Here are Rhian, Alicia, Alex and Riley’s posters about puppets.

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This week in P1S

Jamie – “We were learning to take away. We used (pretend) food. We were putting them on the plate and then taking them away. We were writing the sum and the take away sign on the whiteboards.”

Robert – “We were summarising our story. We had to try and use our own words.”

Zoe – “We were colouring in flags to show number bonds to 8.”

Millie – “We have been learning about taking away using marbles. We had to count them when you were putting them in the bucket and listen to find out what number it was. You took some marbles out the bucket and we had to work out how many marbles were left in the bucket.”

We have also been introduced to our new topic… PUPPETS. We drew pictures and labelled them with what we already know about puppets.

Welcome Back

Welcome back after the Spring Holidays. Primary 1 have shared what they did during the holidays and have settled back into the routine.

This week we have been consolidating number stories to 10 and have talked about what take away is. We will be moving on to explore subtraction more fully next week.

We also wrote about our Spring Holidays and Miss Simpson was really impressed with our work.

Next week we will also be introduced to our new topic – Puppets.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1W 15.04.16

Well done P1W!! You all arrived on Monday morning with lovely smiles on your faces and lots of stories to tell. What a great first day we all had catching up and sharing stories from our holidays. Since then we have been busy getting back in to it.  Mrs Williams has joined our class and will be working with us for the next few weeks, we have already enjoyed a story time with her reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.


  • we used our number bonds for 8, 9 and 10 to colour in leaves the right colour.
  • we used numicon shapes to help us find the numbers to make 10.


  • learning new sounds sh/ch
  • writing a personal story about our Easter holidays
  • During Play, Think, Learn we explored lots of tricky word games! This time everyone decided to twist at the end of our 15 minutes!!!
  • we practiced writing capital B and lower case b in our handwriting.

Happy Easter P1W

This week we have been reading the bible to learn all about the Story of Easter.  We have read a little bit each day and have had fun writing the story in our own words in our Easter booklet.  We have also watched the Easter story and been singing ‘Hosanna’ in our class.

We have had a crafty week, we have been busy making chicks and bunny ears. Today we made our own little Easter baskets , Mrs Wedlock filled them with some goodies 🙂

We took part in an egg hunt today in the classroom, it was such good fun! Well done to Alicia who found the very special egg and won a little Easter surprise!

Here are some pictures of our crafty creations!IMG_2200 IMG_2208

Happy Easter from P1S

This week we have enjoyed learning about the Easter Story and have done some amazing writing about it. We read each part from a Bible and wrote about the story in our own words.

In Maths we have continued to explore 2D shapes and some even made monsters using the 2D shapes. We have also been making 8, 9 and 10 and using our number bonds to help us.

We have also made some Easter crafts this week, which we really enjoyed.


Have a great Easter and enjoy the holidays.

P1S and Miss Simpson 🙂

P1W 18.03.16

What another busy busy week!!!

We have been working hard to use our imaginations this week.  We created our very own monster and wrote a description of our monster using WOW words! Mrs Wedlock was very impressed with the high standard of work, it was so good that we have put our  monster work on our writing wall.

We hope all the Mum’s, Dad’s and Gran’s enjoyed looking at all of our hard work at parents night.  Mrs Wedlock is extremely proud of each and every one us for the progress we have made so far in our P1 journey.

Here are some pictures of us enjoying our Jammie Jog for Sports Relief. Thank you for your support for this event!IMG_2069 IMG_2070 IMG_2071 IMG_2072 IMG_2073 IMG_2074 IMG_2077

This Week in P1S

Another busy week in P1S.


“We made our own character.” – Kailli.

“We had to use WOW words to describe our monsters.” – Hali.

“We had to think about what our character looked like and draw it first.” – Peter.


“We made 2D shape posters.” – Jack.

“I made a robot using 2D shapes.” – Elsie.

“I made a big square using the sticks.” – Cameron.

Primary 1 have also been learning French. We know that Bonjour means hello and today we learned:

Comment tu t’appelles? – What is your name?
Je m’appelle… – My name is…

We are enjoying learning French and using what we learn on a daily basis.

Have a lovely weekend.


Another busy week in P1W and P1S.

Literacy –

We created our own character using our imagination and used WOW! words to describe them.  We then wrote an imaginative story about this character.

Numeracy –

  • number stories for 7, 8 and 9 using numicon, dot patterns and counters.
  • counting on and back within 20.
  • recalling our doubles and near doubles within 10. Some people have even been trying doubles up to 20.

Here is some of our maths work on display, we used pacman to help us learn our doubles facts!