Category Archives: Primary 1

Guided Reading

What is Guided Reading?

Within Murrayfield Primary School guided reading sessions will take place 3 – 4 times a week in each class.

  • Children will be divided into ability groups, according to their reading comprehension age.
  • Comprehension means understanding what has been read and being able to talk or write about it._

3 – 4 sessions per week

  • Before and During reading

Working in pairs to discuss text and make predictions. Reading for fluency.

  • After reading

Teacher works with the group. Focus on comprehension skills, writer’s craft, grammar punctuation. Teaching reading skills and listening to reading and discussing fluency.

  • Follow-up

Pupils  work on follow-up reading/writing activities, relating to the text.Opportunities for independent/paired/group work and collaborative work.

  • Vocabulary work

Investigating new/ambitious vocabulary. Finding definitions and using vocabulary within a context.

P1S News

This has been a very quick week and we have managed to do so much.

We have been learning about time. We learned how to tell o’clock times using analogue and digital clocks. We even made our own analogue clock. We have also learned how to tell half past times. We know that the big hand tells us the minutes and the small hand tells us the hour.

We have also been making a booklet about The Twits by Roald Dahl. We listened to the book over the term and this week we designed a new front cover for the book. We then drew Mr Twit and then wrote WOW words to describe him like ‘nasty’, ‘horrible’ and ‘mean’. We really enjoy using WOW words.

This week we have been thinking about what we have learned during Primary 1 and have been doing some crafts to show this. Look out for this going home.

On Tuesday we met our new Primary 2 teachers. We had great fun and we are looking forward to starting Primary 2.

Have a lovely weekend (3 days to go) 🙂

Sports Day Results

Not put off by less than fantastic weather, Murrayfield Primary School Sports Day 2016 went ahead. Pupils from each class took part in a wide range of athletic challenges to earn points for their house, Bruce, Douglas, Stewart or Wallace.

After a titanic struggle the results are as follows:

1st Bruce – 1740 points

2nd Douglas – 1710 points

3rd Wallace – 1660 points

4th Stewart – 1640 points

Well done to everyone who took part and a big congratulations to everyone in Bruce for their winning score.

And finally a massive thanks to all the parents and carers who turned up on the day to support the event.

P1W 17.06.16

Sports Day!!!!!!

Wow what a morning!! Lots of fun and good team work in P1W.  Its was really lovely to see a brilliant team spirit and for the children to be cheering for each other.  Thank you to all the mums, dads and grandparents who came to see us and cheer us on!  Here are some pictures of our winners.  Melanie and McKenzii winning 1st place in the girl and boy running races.  Rhian and Alfie came in 2nd place.  Leah and William came in 3rd place. ! Well done to Bruce, the green house for having the most points overall!! A big well done to all of P1W for superb effort this morning!


P1W 10.06.13

This week we have been reading a story about a dog called Rory.  Rory the puppet came to see us in our class.  The story about Rory was a little bit sad because his owner forgot to feed him, walk him and take care of him.  We are learning the importance of taking good care of Rory.  We took him out for a walk, he did our daily mile with us.  This made him happy. Here are some pictures of Rory!!

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P1W 13.05.16

Whooosh…………..another week has just zoomed past!!

In numeracy we have been learning the subtraction facts for 4 and 5.

In literacy we have been writing a personal diary entry about what we had for dinner.  Our task was to use a wow word to describe our dinner.  Some really interesting words were used like ‘tasty’, ‘delicious’, ‘scrumptious’.

Some of the reading groups started non-fiction books this week. We have been learning what non-fiction means.  In our literacy skills jotter we wrote sentences about what information or facts we learned from our books.

We have been exploring shadows and what they are.  We watched a shadow puppet show and then designed and made our own shadow puppet.  Next week we will be making our own shadow puppet theatre.

We have already had some superb puppets brought in for our homework task, Mrs Wedlock and Mrs Williams are looking forward to seeing more next week.  Please remember the due date for this challenge is WED 18th MAY 🙂

On Friday the teachers surprised the children by dressing up as Superheroes, this was a little reminder to children that we are looking to build resilience and superheroes come across challenges in life that they find tough but they don’t let it knock them down, they get right back up and try again.  Mrs Wedlock was Super Lightning McQueenie and Mrs Williams was Bat Girl!

Have a super week end P1!!

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A Busy Week in P1S

This week we have been very busy.

In reading we were learning to summarise what happened in the story using our own words.

In Numeracy we were exploring subtraction facts for 4 and 5 and linking them to what we know already using our number bonds.

We have also been working hard in groups to make our very own shadow puppet theatres. We also had to make our own shadow puppets to use along with the theatre using black paper. We had fun practising our rhymes and performing our puppet shows to the class.

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