Category Archives: Parents and carers

Our First Week in Primary 3T

We have all been settling back into school and getting to know our classmates.

We have already been writing about the best day of our holidays and learning lots of cool new maths games.

Our topic this term is the Post Office and we have watched a short film about where a letter goes when it’s posted. We talked about what we know already about post offices and decided what we would like to find out. Working with our elbow partners we drew a plan of our post office area in the class and designed a postage stamp.

We have had a busy week!



Our focus skill for this week is ANALYSE

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of analysing in their learning this week are:

Primary 1B

Liliana G and Adam S

Primary 1F

Abbie Mc and Jordan Mc

Primary 2/1

Lewis R and Zoe Mc

Primary 2

Lewis S and Erica D

Primary 3/2

Jack P and Kaiden S

Primary 3

Zac W and Katie C

Primary 4

Callum M and Connor M

Primary 5/4

Callan C and Caitlin S

Primary 5

Logan T and Ryan M

Primary 6

Maisie H and Ronnie E

Primary 7/6

Nikolas S and Alyx B

Primary 7

Shawn G and Katelyn T

Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 12th June


Our focus skill for this week is CREATE

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of creating in their learning this week are:

Primary 1B

Jack K and Calvin H

Primary 1F

Dawid K and Sara S

Primary 2/1

Teresa W and Murron K

Primary 2

Makayla W and Kenzie M

Primary 3/2

Anna F and Lauren M

Primary 3

Caitlin M and Katie W

Primary 4

Callum M and Connor M

Primary 5/4

Callan C and Caitlin S

Primary 5

Summer H and Brodie Mc

Primary 6

Emma W and Sean S

Primary 7/6

Cameron M and Kassie R

Primary 7

Jade G and Aliyyah A


Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 5th June

Smart Fundraising


Please remember to fill your empty smarties tube to raise funds for school.

After resurfacing works in our front playground we have lost our original playground markings.  The children would like to have new markings and are raising funds by filling empty Smarties tubes with lots 20p .  Thank you to everyone who has returned their tubes, so far we have raised £104!!

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