This month celebrating Tae-Kwon-Do success was Makayla and Jack.
Makayla worked hard to earn the student of the month trophy and Jack has also been displaying his skills to win the silver award. Well done guys! Keep up the good work!
Please click on the link below for some helpful Police Scotland advice on having a ‘SAFE’ Christmas!
West Lothian Council has launched its public information campaign Winter Ready West Lothian 2015/16.
The campaign highlights the council’s preparations for possible severe weather and encourages local people to prepare now. Severe winter weather can include snow, frost and low temperatures, high winds and flooding.
More information is available at
As with previous years the council has:
* Maintained salt stocks.
* Set up contracts with local suppliers for severe weather support.
* Provided an email alert service so that regular information can be sent direct to your inbox.
* Delivered refresher training to staff on all severe weather equipment.
* Published a Winter Ready supplement in the winter issue of Bulletin, the council newspaper.
The council is also asking residents and local businesses to help:
* Park sensibly – abandoned vehicles can cause serious issues.
* Share information with friends and neighbours, and spare a moment for vulnerable neighbours.
* Stay informed. Sign up for the email alert on the council’s website at, like the council Facebook page at or follow us on Twitter at for updates.
* If you are able, clear the path and pavement in front of your home.
* Prepare your car and home ahead of the winter.
* Keep the winter issue of Bulletin handy.
* Parents and carers should also ensure that their child’s school has up to date contact information.
* Should severe weather hit, Groupcall is the way that schools will inform parents and carers about closures.
The Scottish Book Trust would really like some help from our P1 parents in gathering feedback about this year’s Primary 1 Family Bags. We would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete their survey using the following link:
Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Christmas Fair on Wednesday night. It was great to see so many people on such a cold, wet night.
Total raised £1460
All funds raised are for playground improvements. After resurfacing work, we have lost our playground markings. The children would like a range of new playground markings and will be fully involved in the design process.
Huge thank you to the Parent Council and all helps who gave their valuable time to help make our Christmas Fair a super success.
NHS Lothian Primary School Flu Vaccination Programme 2015
Second Opportunity for Flu Vaccination
There will be another opportunity for pupils to attend a clinic for flu vaccination if they have not already received the flu vaccination at a school/clinic.
We should be grateful if all West Lothian schools could remind parents / carers of the second opportunity clinic allocated as per the following information.
West Lothian venue:
Livingston Football Club Stadium
Almondvale Suite
Alderstone Road
EH54 7DN
Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 Time: drop in 3.30pm – 6.30pm
Murrayfields Ceilidh was a roaring success and raised a staggering £1,170
I would like to thank each and everyone who attended and donated raffle prizes for this event, it was greatly appreciated !!!
Special thanks to Murrayfield Parent Council who helped make this a successful event!!
They really are …”The Dream Team”!!!
Last few tickets priced £10 will be available on Friday 27th November at assembly.
Raffle tickets to win a Hamper filled with Scottish delights will also be on sale at £1 per strip.
PLEASE help this event to be a sell out.
We need the support of Parents and Carers to many things happen!!
Help us make Murrayfield Primary School a bright & stimulating environment for our children for years to come!!!
With your support we could be half way to achieving our goal for the playground!!
PS – Remember it’s Tartan dress down day on the 27th November!
West Lothian Council are gathering parental views.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Click on the link below.
The survey contains only five statements to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree – there is also space to add comments if parents wish.
· Communication is effective between my child’s school and home.
· My child’s school provides me with the information I need to help my child learn at home.
· I feel confident supporting my child’s learning at home.
· I am aware of West Lothian’s complaints procedure.
· I know how I can become involved in my school’s parent council.
CLOSING DATE Friday 11th December
Last term we were learning about the Post Office. We wanted to write a letter to a famous person. We had a vote and decided to write to the Queen to ask her some questions.
We got a letter from the Queen’s Lady-in-waiting along with some leaflets to learn more about her pets, crown jewels and Palaces.
Mrs Bowman’s hands were shaking when she had to open the envelope!
Today, Layla, Anton, Jay, Ava, Teresa, Lennon and Jamie told the rest of the school at assembly about our special delivery.