Category Archives: Parents and carers

Rotary Club Quiz 2019

Murrayfield’s team had their thinking caps on tonight when they won the Rotary Club, Whitburn’s Annual Primary School Quiz.  There were some tricky questions and some new categories to contend with this year but we thoroughly enjoyed the evening and you kept us all on tenterhooks until the very end.   Great work Murrayfield!

Well done to all the teams who took part, to the Rotary Club Whitburn for organising, to Polkemmet Primary for hosting and to the families and friends who came along to support everyone.


Police Scotland Survey

In 2018, Police Scotland launched their first dedicated Facebook page for young people along with re-designing their digital platforms to ensure information is available when they need it.

At the heart of the design was the voice of young people from throughout Scotland and we used their views to provide information to promote better life choices and help keep them safe.

But did we get it right?

Police Scotland is once again calling on the young people of Scotland to review these resources to ensure we have the appropriate material and platforms.  This will guarantee we improve communication methods, ensuring our information is available and relevant to a modern society in the new and ever changing digital age.

You can access both platforms here:

Youth Hub online:

YouthHub Facebook :

and a very short survey is available via Survey Monkey at  to give your thoughts on them.  This is open to young people aged up to 19 years old as well as parents, professionals, etc to provide general comments based on their experience.  Share with friends, family, neighbours – pretty much anybody who will benefit from how Police communicate with young people and what information is available for them.


The survey is open until 31 MARCH 2019 and the feedback will help shape future changes.

Our Learning Lodges

We are devastated to inform you that our Learning Lodges were vandalised over the weekend..  Windows and window frames were broken.  We hope our security cameras will support us to identify who caused this mindless damage.

Please contact the school office  if you are able to help us fix our lodges.  01506 653400



What’s On Next Week!

Monday 17th December

P5 and P4 Christmas Party – afternoon

Tuesday 18th December

P3 and P2 Christmas Party – afternoon

Nursery – afternoon

Wednesday 19th December

Nursery – morning

P1 Christmas Party – afternoon

Thursday 20th December

P7 and P6 Christmas Party – afternoon

Friday 21st December

Church Service – 11.00am

Everyone Welcome!  We hope to see you there.


Christmas dinner and Christmas jumpers


Just a reminder to wear your Christmas jumper on Wednesday 5th December if you have one and also to remind you that it’s that time of year again for a Jingle Bells walk down the corridor, followed by a delicious Christmas dinner, lovingly prepared by our wonderful team in the kitchen!

Always a treat!  What did you order this year?

West Lothian Council’s Attendance at School Policy

West Lothian Council’s Attendance at School Policy provides a system that intervenes at an early stage and letters are sent to parents/carers when their child’s attendance falls below 90%. This system keeps parents/carers informed about their child’s attendance, as absences can mount up easily and this has an impact on their overall attendance percentages. This also allows us to address any concerns or difficulties parent/ carers are facing getting their children into school or getting them to school on time.

The AIMS team (Attendance Improvement Management Service) has been supporting schools within West Lothian to help raise the profile and priority of attendance issues. The AIMS team work in partnership with schools and families to support the implementation of West Lothian Council’s Attendance at School Policy, focusing on early intervention through regular attendance audits and meetings.

CYPT Attendance Leaflet

Please remember to keep the school office informed of your child’s absence and reasons for this by phoning as early as possible on the first morning of the absence in accordance with West Lothian Council’s procedures for ‘Safe Arrivals.’

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions regarding attendance or if you require support with this matter.

Mrs Bruce

Depute Head Teacher (Acting)