Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery – Bookbug resources you can use at home

Sing a Song with your child

Please find below a link to book bug resources to support you to develop your child’s literacy skills at home. They have a large song and rhyme bank with videos and audio clips for every song. There is also guidance for parents and carers about how to use the resource.

book trust songs and rhymes guidance


Big Bedtime Read Launch

As some of you will already know, we had our Big Bedtime Read Launch last week. The children had lots of fun baking biscuits in preparation for our big day! In nursery we have a bedroom role play area set up which has been a huge success and the children have had a fantastic time! We have been discussing what we have in our bedrooms and we have to keep it nice and tidy by putting things away when we are finished. The parents/carers had the opportunity to hear a little more about the Big Bedtime Read and what it is all about before we had a whole nursery bedtime story in the library. We all had our super listening ears on when we read The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The boys and girls had a special snack of star shaped toast and yummy beans! Another fantastic surprise was the Primary 6’s coming down and reading us a story, they were fabulous! We got to take our first pack of books home along with some hot chocolate and the biscuit we made for a special bedtime treat. All the nursery staff hope you enjoy reading your books!

Remember to fill in your feedback form and bring your pack back to nursery every Wednesday and take your new pack home!

Enjoy your bedtime story!