Category Archives: Nursery

23-06-17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week has been a very busy week for the nursery. On Wednesday we held a moving on celebration and it was great to see so many parents and carers come along and join the children for some refreshments and see them receive their awards. The children did a great job of singing songs in front of a large audience. On Thursday the children helped to plant some potatoes and different herbs in the smaller nursery garden. Our plan is to create a sensory garden for the children to explore along with a vegetable patch where the children can grow their own vegetables.

Next week it is the final week before the holidays for the school and nursery. On Monday we will be taking the children on a tour of the school. On Tuesday Miss Akram and Mrs Mackie will be visiting the children who will be in their classes after the holidays. On Wednesday the children who are moving into P1 will play some playground games with their P6 buddies in the school playground. Please make sure you take all of your child’s belongs home with you from the cloakroom on their last day. Nursery finishes at usual time on Friday.


We look forward to welcoming returning nursery children on Tuesday 22nd August.

The nursery team would like to wish you all a lovely summer and thank you for all your support this year.

09-06-17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week we said goodbye to our butterflies. The children had done a good job looking after the caterpillars as they grew and we were happy to watch them fly away.

This week the children who will be attending Murrayfield in August met their teachers and classmates. We will continue to take the children on visits to the school and playground in preparation for the transition to P1. Details about the first week back in August for P1 pupils can be found below:

Nursery events still to come are:

Moving on celebration – Wednesday 21st June 10am and 2pm in the school hall

02.06.2017 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week the children participated in the nursery sports day. It was great to see everyone in their sporty clothes and full of energy. Thank you to all parents and carers who came along to watch and especially those who took part in our space hopper race. Next week will be busy as we start preparations for the nursery celebration and on Wednesday the children who will be attending Murrayfield will meet their new teachers and visit their classrooms for next year. It is also Blackburn gala day on Saturday 10th and the school will be taking part with a Wizard of Oz theme. Hopefully some butterflies will emerge over the course of next week. The children have been watching closely over the last few weeks and are getting ready for their arrival.

Important dates:

Please remember that the nursery will be closed on Thursday for the election. 

Parents and Carers of children who will be starting Murrayfield in August should come along to the meeting in the school hall on Wednesday at 9.30am. Morning nursery children should attend nursery as normal and afternoon children should come with their Parents/Carers to the meeting. 

The nursery moving on celebration will be on Wednesday 21st June. 

As always if you have any questions please ask one of the nursery team.

Blackburn Gala Day

As you will be aware Blackburn Gala Day is fast approaching.  The theme this year is ‘Witches and Wizards’ and our school float will be based on ‘The Wizard of Oz.’

Please come along dressed as your favourite witch, wizard or character from The Wizard of Oz’ to help celebrate and create a fantastic atmosphere during the procession.  We hope that you are able to join us and walk with the school in the procession.

There will be room on the float for some nursery children and their accompanying adults.  These spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and if you wish your child to have a seat on the float please make your way to the float immediately after the crowning ceremony.

Please see letters issued from school/ nursery for more details.  (a.m nursery pupil’s letters will be issued tomorrow morning)

Looking forward to seeing you all there.




26.05.17-Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week we have been busy practicing for our sports day. The children have enjoyed the experience of being in the back playground of the school. In the nursery there has been lots of excitement about our caterpillars which have now all turned into chrysalises. We will have to wait over the next week to see if the butterflies emerge. It was the last transition visit for the children moving into primary one after the holidays. This week they designed their own pirate flag using chalk and black paper. They have really enjoyed the visits and we will continue to take them on short walks around the school to get them familiar with the school surroundings.

Dates to remember:

Sports day- Wednesday 31st May 10am and 2pm

P1 parents and carers meeting at 9.30am on Wednesday June 7th


19.05.17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

It has been an interesting week in the nursery. The children have been enjoying watching the caterpillars grow every day and learning about how they will grow and change over the next few weeks. In the garden we have been building a pond using recycled resources. On Thursday we started practicing for the sports day which will take place in a few weeks. Last week the children were using musical instruments to make a music. During the P1 transition this week the children made a purple squid and they have met their buddies again this week. Next week remember the nursery and school is closed on Monday (22nd ).

12-05-17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week we have been making the most of the lovely weather and there has been lots if interesting play outside. The children have been exploring the water tray outside and making creations at the mud kitchen using the water. We are all excited as we wait for the arrival of some caterpillars which we will watch turn into butterflies over the next few weeks. The Pre-school children went on their second visit to P1 on Wednesday and this time were making a sea picture using crayons. The children who are starting P1 at Murrayfield will be meeting their buddies this week as they make a short trip to the nursery. They will continue to visit over the next few weeks to get to know the children.


05-05-17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week in the nursery the children have been exploring the new fish pebbles in the water tray and cleaning the house corner with the new toy hoover. We filled the outdoor water tray which the children enjoyed, especially when it was emptied creating a river along the path. The children who will be starting school next year had their first transition visit which was a great success. During their visit they listened to the story of “Ten Little Pirates” and made their own seagulls. The Primary one children were keen to help the nursery children to complete their task.

24.04.17 Murrayfield Nursery Class

It was lovely to welcome all of the children back and hear all of their holiday stories. We also welcomed some new children into our morning and afternoon sessions. All of the children have been enjoying exploring the nursery and meeting up with their friends again or making new ones. This week Miss Clarke joined the nursery team in the afternoon and will also be working in the nursery on a Friday morning. She has quickly be come part of the nursery team and has enjoyed getting to know the children. Next week we will be focusing on encouraging the children to make good use of the writing table, especially mark making.We will continue to extend the children’s knowledge of finger patterns as part of their developing number knowledge.

Remember the nursery and school will be closed on Monday 1st of May for a public holiday and on Thursday 4th May for inservice.

16.03.2017 Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week the children in the afternoon have been having a great time being hairdressers. They have enjoyed putting ribbons in hair and offering tea and coffee to customers. In the morning the children have been using the big bricks and paper to create computers for a pretend office. They designed keyboards and drew pictures onto the computer screens. We have been talking to the children about Spring and looking at plants and bulbs. This week the children have been drawing pictures of themselves and trying to write their names. Next week we will be focusing on rhyme as well as encouraging the children to explore other types of work in their play.