Category Archives: Nursery

Christmas Jumper Day – 15th December

Hi Parents/Carers,

On the 15th of December we are having a non-uniform day.  We would like children to come to school in Christmas Jumpers and donate a £1 towards Save the Children.

You do not need to splurge on a new jumper,  you can get the children to be creative and make their own unique Christmas jumper!  There will be a prize for the best “SUPER SILLY SWEATER”! 🙂 This means get your tinsel, baubles, pom poms at the ready! At Murrayfield we are always encouraging our pupils to be creative so lets get our silliest sweaters on for December 15th! 🙂

By taking part in Christmas Jumper Day we as a Rights Respecting school are looking out for the rights of children in need, who require their rights to be protected.  [UNCRC article 2: All children have these rights, Article 3:  Adults must do what is best for us,  Article 6:  I should be supported to live and grow, Article 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food, Article 27: I have the right to have a proper house food and clothing]

“Make the world better with your sweaters. By joining in on Christmas Jumper Day, you’re helping to save children’s lives. Together we can be there when children need us most. When they’re in danger we can keep working to keep them safe. When they’re sick, cold and hungry we can keep working to bring them food and water, medicine and shelter. Because of your help, we can keep making the world better
for children everywhere.” (Save the Children)

Discover more about the work of Save the Children visit:

A visit from our local Farmer

In nursery, we have been learning all about the farm. We investigated lots of different farm animals and where they live on the farm. We learned about the tractors and explored mark making using the tractors in the art area. Our local farmer came into nursery to visit all the nursery boys and girls. He spoke to us about the harvest and we learned a lot about different grains and also about what the farmer’s job is on a farm.

We would like to say a big special thank you from all the nursery boys and girls for taking the time to come in a speak to us!

Musical Nursery

Over the past two weeks we have had a music man in to visit the nursery children, this will continue into next week too. The children have had a great time using lots of different musical instruments, playing along to music, listening and dancing. This has allowed the children to practise their listening skills. Taking part in a small group can help develop their confidence in new situations. Good listening boys and girls!

Our busy week in Nursery.

This week we have started talking about light and dark. This followed on from last week when we were talking about Owls with one of our favourite stories “Owl Babies.”

We have been discussing the dark nights, what animals we see at night time such as foxes, owls, and bats. Keep a look out for more posts throughout the week.

Another topic of discussion has been Bonfire night and fireworks. We will be speaking to the children about keeping safe on Bonfire Night and have started making firework pictures in the art area.

Keep a look out for our fantastic floorbook and please feel free to leave any comments!

October Holidays

The children have been very busy this term with lots of discussion and learning about Autumn and the farm. These topics have been a big success and thank you to everyone who brought in something from an Autumn walk.

Also a big thank you to everyone who took part in our stay and play sessions this week, the children loved this! Keep a look out on the blog for photographs.

A big thank you to everyone who came to our Parent drop in last night, this was a great  to see what your child gets up to in nursery, and we loved reading all of your lovely comments.

We all hope you have a great October holiday and stay safe and be seen in the darker mornings and nights.  See you all back at nursery on the Tuesday 24th of October!

Our Farm

In nursery we have been busy discussing things that happen on the farm. We have made our big tray into a farm yard with lots of different animals and barns, which has been a huge success. From this we also made a farm shop using lots of fruit and vegetables. The children have enjoyed playing in the shop selling the items and using the till and real money.

Remember to have a look at our wonderful floor book next time you’re in nursery!

P7 Pupil Consultation, Friday 6th October 2017, West Lothian Civic Centre

We were proud to have two of our Primary 7 House Captains, Lara Findlay and Aarin Higgins represent us at the P7 Pupil Consultation on Friday 6th October 2017 at  West Lothian’s Civic Centre.  There, they met with other P7 pupils from selected Primary Schools across the Authority to give their views on the quality of the education they receive.  Following the Consultation, they were given a quick tour of the Council Chambers.  What a terrific experience!