All posts by Mrs Millar

Peer Mediation


Interviews were held recently to select P6 and P7 pupils for Peer Mediators at our school.  The interviews were of a very high standard and the successful applicants have now started their training with Mrs Geddes and Mrs Millar.

During peer mediation, volunteer mediators assist children to find an acceptable solution to the problems they are experiencing in the playground or with their friendship groups.  They help to identify the cause of the conflict, to look for solutions and to agree a way forward.  Mediators do not give advice or impose their own solutions.   During our training sessions, we are carrying out role-playing exercises in which our new mediators can learn the skills to help them to deal with some of the situations they might encounter.

In addition to our new mediators, we would like to welcome back our returning P7 mediators who are acting as great role models, providing excellent support to the new members of our team.

Extending our word power


There are so many different ways to extend our vocabulary.  Here, some of the children in the Skills Zone are learning to play “Upwords”, a game which encourages you to build on the words that other people have made. 

Adults play a very important role in teaching children how to play games, showing them the rules and helping to set the boundaries for acceptable behaviour and good sportsmanship.

Learning in context


In the Skills Zone, we have been finding out about all different kinds of angles.  We have been measuring them and using them to find directions and compass points. 

Children in the Skills Zone had great fun making their own angle finder using wood, a hammer, nails and elastic bands.   They learned (under strict supervision!) to follow instructions on how to use a hammer and nails and the importance of measuring carefully before we began.  

I was very impressed with the maturity of the group as they undertook this work and of the skills that they learned along the way.

Spring is in the Air

Wallace 2 Vertical Group made the most of the beautiful weather last week to take their learning outside.  After a fun community builder game, we set off to explore the Sensory and Butterfly gardens to look for signs of Spring and wildlife.    There was some great co-operative work from P1 – P7.  Well done everyone!

Mrs Millar and Mr Webster