All posts by N Calder

Primary 3 Update

This week in Primary 3, we have started learning and practising some French. We have done our class register in French, practised colours in French and counted up in French too.

Our topic this term is going to be Katie Morag and Island life. We have watched some episodes of Katie Morag and heard some stories before doing some comprehension questions.

Each day we have been writing diary entries, focussing on super sentences.

We are continuing to work on time in maths, matching analogue and digital times.

We have kept working on our learning pit and will use this to help us when we are finding something tricky.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 3, Miss Calder and Miss Drummond

Our Week in Primary 3

Our Week in Primary 3

We have had a busy and fun week in class. We have been using the story Marvin Gets Mad to learn all about our emotions. We have written stories about Marvin and drawn some pictures.

For outdoor learning we discovered some apple trees in the playground. We decided to sketch them and do some paintings.

We have been practising our joined up handwriting and will continue to work on this as well as spelling practise.

In maths we have been learning about time with Miss Drummond. We know to practise this at home by looking at analogue and digital clocks.

We have a new reward system in class and we try to collect as many raffle tickets as we can by following the rules on our new class charter.

Our PE days this year will be Wednesday and Thursday.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Miss Calder, Miss Drummond and Primary 3.


We have had another fun week in P3.

For our topic this week have been doing some science investigations about how plants grow. We have all planted our own butter beans and will observe their changes over the next few weeks. Soon we will start making some predictions about what we think is going to happen to them.

We had a great time on Wednesday morning at the Magic Show. Everyone found Merlin’s magic tricks funny and we enjoyed it when pupils and teachers got to take part too.

Our sports day was a great success on Wednesday afternoon so well done to everyone for taking part. There were lots of good skills practised and great sportsmanship between all pupils as everyone was very supportive of each other. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch and support us.

Have a lovely Gala Day weekend.

Primary 3G and Miss Calder

P3 News

This week has been as busy as ever in Primary 3 with a lot of learning. We have all noticed an improvement in reading within the class including our concentration while reading and our ability to talk about our stories. This is great and shows our hard work paying off. The pupils’ aim is to read every day if possible and this can be done both at home and in school.

We linked this week’s writing to our garden topic as we planned, discussed and wrote instructions about how to grow a flower. Our writing included information about what plants need to grow and our completed pieces of work will create another topic display to share our learning.

We have had fun in maths this week as we have taken part in multiplication, subtraction and addition problems with some pupils even moving on to division. I have been so impressed with everybody’s great efforts when working with numbers and can see a real improvement in both mental maths and problem solving skills within the class.

In PE we have focussed on a range of activities that require concentration and co-ordination. These have been tricky but enjoyable and as we continue to do these weekly we will develop more skills.

We hope to share more exciting Sports Day news with you next week as long as we get some better weather!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Calder

P3G News

It’s been a fun week in Primary 3G.

In literacy we have been building our vocabulary. We focussed on including as many interesting and exciting words as possible in our discussions and writing. This is a challenge but can be made fun through games and activities such as word webs, filling the web with more exciting versions of a word.

We have enjoyed some new challenges in numeracy. We have created and started using multiplication, addition and subtraction wheels to help with our mental maths. We have been practising these strategies this week and will challenge ourselves next time by timing each other and possibly adding some competition too.

Our garden centre topic has been a hit in class and we have created a few displays of lovely artwork showing different flower paintings using a range of techniques. We have also been learning about what a plant needs to grow before completing sequencing tasks about how to plant and grow seeds.

We have also used the internet and non-fiction books to do some independent research about plants.

We have loved the sunshine over the past few days and have taken the time to get outdoors for some PE challenges. This has been good fun and tricky at times as we even included some of our recent learning in French when discussing the weather outside – “il fait chaud”.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3G and Miss Calder

This week in P3G

This week in P3G

This week in primary 3 we have done lots of fun, challenging and exciting activities.

In literacy we have worked hard while reading our new reading books and are continuing to stop and discuss them regularly. This makes sure we know what is happening and understand the stories. We have also planned and written very detailed imaginative stories all about Roman soldiers and their adventures.

In maths and numeracy we have continued to work on counting in groups of numbers (forwards and backwards), solved some tricky number problems both individually and in groups and some of us have been practising our times tables too.

We are very proud of the hard work and effort we put in to our Romans assembly this morning. It has been a tricky but very exciting few weeks as we have had lots of words to learn, things to make and songs to sing but we have had great fun and enjoyed working closely with P3/2 to end our topic. We hope everyone enjoyed it!

Have a lovely (and hopefully sunny) weekend,

Miss Calder and P3G.

Primary 3G

Primary 3 have had another very busy week in school and we have reflected on our learning in class today to share some of our highlights…

We have started doing the register in French each morning to make sure we are practising our French words daily and becoming more confident. We have found this fun and sometimes quite challenging.

In literacy we have been working on identifying nouns, adjectives and verbs before using these in our own writing. We have tried especially hard to include adjectives in our writing to make it detailed and exciting.

We have worked hard in maths, counting on and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s and we are starting to challenge ourselves by counting in 3s and 4s too.

Our assembly practises are going well, with lots of great speaking and singing about the Romans.

We have also created a new Reading Den in the classroom and given our library a makeover and we are going to use this daily to keep practising our reading comprehension by reading and discussing lots of different kinds of books.

Well done P3G for another fun week!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Calder

Primary 3G

Primary 3 have had a very busy start to the new term! In PE we worked mainly on our co-ordination skills, thinking and talking about how our brain controls our movements. This led to some tricky games, skills and balances that pupils developed both on their own and while working with a partner. During this lesson everyone showed just how well they can concentrate and work together which was super!

All pupils have now got a new reading book that we will continue to work on regularly in class. As a reading focus this term we are working on our reading comprehension skills. To do this we make sure that we stop every so often while we are reading and discuss the story and the words. This will make sure we are not only identifying the words of the book but also developing our understanding and this is something pupils can also do at home.

I have been so impressed with Primary 3’s writing this week. We began with holiday diaries and then went on to planning and writing an imaginative story based on our Romans topic. Everyone has worked very hard to include great detail in their stories and there has been lots of lovely, neat handwriting too.

In maths we have worked on some tricky problem solving tasks as well as continuing our mental maths work. With lots of speedy answers I can tell lots of practise has taken place through the holidays.

Yesterday we reviewed our Roman topic as we took part in some research tasks all about the Romans (we have been singing about them too).

Well done Primary 3 on having such a good first week!

Miss Calder

This Week in P3G

This week has been a busy one in Primary 3G. We started the week by discussing and adding to our new class ‘learning pit’ display, linking this to our understanding of Growth Mindset thinking skills. On Tuesday we got to put these skills into action as we took part in a tennis workshop where pupils definitely showed a growth mindset as they worked hard to develop some tricky tennis skills by showing perseverance and not giving up.

We are moving on to look more at imaginative writing in class and have started to develop some story plans, thinking carefully about the detail we can include in our writing to make sure all readers are entertained and interested.

Within maths a new topic of Time has been introduced. This is something that pupils can also begin working on at home as they identify a range of different times on an analogue clock face. ‘O’clock’ and ‘half past’ times have been covered so far in class.

Self-reflection and assessment has been successful in the class too as pupils did a great job of identifying progress and achievements across the curriculum and these were shared and discussed at parent’s evening. We will continue to record our progress and plan next steps for learning as we get into the final term of P3.

Overall, the pupils in P3G have done a wonderful job of making me feel very welcome as a new teacher at Murrayfield and we are all looking forward to sharing our learning with everybody throughout the rest of the school year.

Miss Calder