All posts by N Calder

P4 News!

We have had a busy and exciting week in class.

We have been learning lots about the importance of Fairtrade this week. We have watched films and learned about Fairtrade cotton and how some of our clothes can be Fairtrade. We learned that cotton originally comes from plants. We have learned about the history (and future) of chocolate and look forward to sharing this with you during our class assembly next Friday!

Over the past few days we have learned the rules of bench ball and will be taking part in a tournament at the partnership centre on the 13th March. We are enjoying our practises so far.

We enjoyed beginning a new arty topic with Miss Adam and look forward to seeing how our pictures turn out.

We hope you have a spectacular weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

P4 News

It has been a short but smashing week in P4!

We wrote about our exciting long weekend news and practised writing in paragraphs.

We have started learning about our new mini topic, Fairtrade. We have made some posters to advertise Fairtrade products and would like to invite you all to our Fairtrade assembly in two weeks time on the 8th March.

We joined up with P5/4 and P5 to do some problem solving and calculate how much money we raised during our Scottish Celebration evening! Thank you to everybody who helped and donated. We are continuing to raise money as P5 are hosting a raffle for the remaining Irn-bru.

Well done to Jamie for collecting his head teacher’s award for excellent effort in homework.

We enjoyed learning about saving money with the credit union this morning during assembly and we hope to learn more about this soon!

Have a lovely-jubbly weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

P4 News

It has been a busy, excellent week in P4 this week.

We learned about the history of Valentine’s Day before writing imaginative Valentine’s stories.

We had lots of fun at our Scottish Celebration evening. We would like to thank everybody who came to watch and support us. We are looking forward to learning all about how much money we have raised during this topic.

Well done to Melanie and Rachael for winning prizes during the Bling your Bike event! Your fancy Scottish bikes looked great!

We have also enjoyed some Valentine’s art with Miss Adam.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

Primary 4 News

Happy New Year from P4! It has been a busy first week back to school! We are continuing to learn about the Contexts for Learning and will use this for our Blog update every week.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

Some of us have been doing division with remainders in numeracy. In class maths, we have all been learning about rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

We have been working on imaginative writing, starting with a winter adventure story. We were focussing on including lots of ambitious words in our writing.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our reading skills this week to find traditional Scots language. We read the Gruffalo in Scots as part of our new topic all about Robert Burns and Scottish Culture.

We have started practising for our Burns & Scottish Celebration night which will take place on Wednesday 13th February.

Well done to Sean, Kirsty and Kenzie for working hard during reading this week and getting a Head Teacher’s award!

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

P4 News


Our Weekly Reflection

It has been a super week in P4.

Curriculum Areas and Subjects

In PE this week we were learning different exercises with the Body Coach. We were improving our fitness.

In maths we have done some more work on reading timetables as well as thinking about measuring lengths.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Some pupils used clicker for writing this week. We read and spoke about the words before making our sentences.

Ethos and the Life of the School

The value we have worked on this week is self-belief. We show self-belief by not giving up when something is tricky.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Well done to pupils for sporting achievements in boxing, swimming and taekwondo this week!

We hope you have a smashing weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

P4 News – Contexts For Learning


We have had a busy week in P4. Let’s share some of our learning.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In PE this week we have been learning all about Scottish Country Dancing. We work on our movement skills and are beginning to work together.

For technologies this week we have been designing and creating some Christmas craft to sell at our school fayre. This has helped us to learn about enterprise and our skills for work.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our reading skills to help our learning in Problem Solving this week. Reading the problems helped us to understand what sums to do.

Ethos & Life of the School

The school value we have been learning about this week is Growth Mindset. We develop and show our growth mindset by not giving up and continuing to try our best, even when something is challenging. We try hard to climb out of the learning pit!

Opportunities for Personal Achievements

Well done to Alex, Riley, Leah and Alicia for receiving ‘successful learner’ Head Teacher’s awards this week!

Well done to Elsie for winning a prize in Mrs Stewart’s number family competition!

Well done to all pupils who have shared sporting achievements this week, too.

We hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

P4 News – Contexts for Learning


It has been fantastic week in P4. Here is some of our news…

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In maths, we are continuing to learn about time. Some of us have been reading schedules and timetables and others have been matching digital and analogue clock faces.

We have been writing letters to local businesses to ask for kind donations for the school Christmas Fayre. We had to include the correct features of a letter.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our counting skills to help us in PE this week because we were doing some Scottish Country Dancing.

Ethos and Life of the school

This week we have been learning about our ‘Collaboration’ value. We have practised our collaboration skills during topic as we work together to prepare for our presentations next week.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Well done to Amber, Eve, Zoe, Elsie and Peter for receiving ‘Successful Learner’ Head Teacher’s awards this week. They include great persuasive language in posters about road safety and anti-bullying week.

Well done to Rachael and Melanie for sharing personal sporting achievements during our assembly this morning! Well done to all others who have also made some good sporting achievements as well as boys and girls brigade awards, too!


Have a brilliant weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

Our Week in P4

It has been a busy, hard-working week in P4. We are continuing to reflect on our learning through the four contexts.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In P.E this week we played capture the flag, a game from the olden days. We practised our running and dodging skills.

We learned about anti-bullying week by making posters to persuade people to choose kindness over bullying. We included persuasive language such as ‘in my opinion’ and ‘it is vital’…

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our writing skills to help us create posters about farming during our topic lesson.

Ethos and Life of the school

The school value we have been learning about this week is respect. We have shown respect by being kind to others, by talking about anti-bullying week and by showing good manners at all times.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Well done to Kirsty for receiving a successful learner Head Teacher award for reading lots of tricky words.

Well done to boys and girls in P4 for achieving new skills in boys brigade, sports clubs and even dog training clubs, too.

Thank you to the parent council for making our cinema trip happen. We had a great time.

Have a spectacular weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

Primary 4 News – Four Contexts for Learning

This week in Primary 4 we have started learning about the Four Contexts for Learning in the Curriculum for Excellence. These are; Curriculum Area & Subjects, Interdisciplinary Learning, Ethos and Life of the school and Opportunities for Personal achievement. From now on, our weekly blog posts will relate to these four contexts.

Curriculum Area & Subjects

In Literacy, we have been focussing on persuasive writing. We made posters to persuade people not to drop litter around the community.

This week in art we drew poppies with Miss Adam for Remembrance day.

In Science we have been learning about the human body and have done investigations with sweeties and marshmallows.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We had to use our reading skills to help us read and make maps for our topic this week.

We also had to use our drawing skills to help us learn when we were making maps.

Ethos and Life of the school

This week the value we worked on was ‘Responsible’. We have been responsible when we played safely on the trim trail in the playground. We are responsible when we help younger pupils around the school and set good examples for them. We are responsible when using different equipment in the PE hall. We can also be responsible in our community by travelling safely.

Opportunities for Personal achievement

Well done to McKenzii for receiving a Head Teacher’s Award for super effort in writing.

Well done to some of our pupils who have achieved new sporting skills this week.

Lots of pupils have shown respect and good behaviour, moving their names up our behaviour chart, well done!


We hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

Biscuit & Blether

This week’s Biscuit and Blether is based on Home Learning throughout Primary 4. Some of the P4 pupils will be on hand to discuss and demonstrate some of the fun activities the can be completed at home to support all of our learning in school. We are all excited to share some of our learning with parents/guardians that join us!