All posts by Mrs Stewart

Another successful choir performance at Tesco!

On Thursday, the choir went on their annual visit to Tesco, to perform some Christmas songs for the customers.

They did a fantastic job and were enthusiastically supported by a great number of friends and family. Thank you for taking the time to come and support the children, it was very much appreciated!

As we have done every year, the choir returned the money they collected during their performance to Tracey, the Tesco Community Champion. The money will be shared between Tesco’s 2 nominated charities – The British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.

In less than an hour, they raised a phenomenal £133.15!!!

We are very proud of them all!

Annual Choir trip to Tesco!

Just a reminder that the choir are heading to Tesco this Thursday morning (8th Dec), to bring  a little festive cheer to the staff and shoppers. They will be singing from about 9.45 onwards and any monies collected will be given Tesco’s chosen charities. We would love to see friends and family there to support us so please join us if you can!

Tomorrow evening (Wednesday), as you all know, is the Christmas Fair. The choir will be there to welcome you with some festive tunes and get you in the mood for Christmas!

We hope to see you all there! 🙂

This week in P4.

This week, Jake came in to give us a taster session of Judo. We learned that to earn points and win at Judo, we have to get opponents on their back. Jake was very good at Judo and made us laugh with his funny jokes. We loved it!


This week, our Literacy has had a Guy Fawkes theme –

Our reading comprehension was based on fireworks and bonfires. We were focusing on answering in sentences, using the question to help form our answers.

In writing, we retold the story of The Gunpowder Plot. After watching a powerpoint about it and discussing the facts, we split the story into beginning, middle and end and, in groups, recorded the facts we needed to include for each section. We then used this to help us to retell the story in a logical sequence.

Mr Glen, from NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) visited us on Tuesday. He will be with us for the next 10 weeks. We were playing games that helps us practice beat and rhythm.

In Numeracy this week, we have been practicing rounding our numbers to the nearest 10. The rule is – if the number ends in 1-4, then we round down, if it ends in 5-9, then we round up to the next multiple of ten. This will help us to estimate calculations, which is a very handy skill to have! We have also been working on doubles/near doubles, another addition strategy. We’ve found a great song that helps us remember our double numbers. Jack P and Sasha were ‘doubles’ champions today, when we were working on doubling 20, then doubling the answer again and again. They doubled all the way to 20480, mentally!!!  Mrs Stewart was really pleased that we gave them both a clap, as it shows that we are encouraging each other in our learning, as well as showing respect to others. 🙂

As part of our review of RESPECT, we were discussing how every one of us in unique and we are looking forward to finishing off our ‘unique’ characters next week, before we give them a name and write about them.

If you’re celebrating Bonfire Night this weekend, have fun, but please stay safe by following the safety rules!

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂


P4 ‘wear dots’ fundraising total

We would like to thank everyone for coming to our assembly and for your generous donations to the RNIB and Royal Blind charities.

The lucky winners of the competitions will be announced this Friday, at assembly, where they will receive their prizes.

The grand total raised was…..£232.02!!!

We worked out that each charity will receive £116.01 to  to help those with visual impairments.

Thank you very much! 🙂


Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday 7th October, is spots and dots Dress Down Day. You can wear anything that has spots or dots and…


By bringing £1 to school, you will help raise funds for RNIB and ROYAL BLIND.

P4 hope you can make it to their assembly, which promises to give you spots before your eyes!


P4 – A short, but busy, week!

Wow! Last night’s Rookie Rockstars’ concert was a great opportunity for us to show everyone what we had been learning with Dave and the rest of his crew last week. We had so much fun, even though it was a little scary playing to such a large audience! We hope you enjoyed it! We are glad it’s Friday because being a rockstar certainly uses up a lot of energy and we are all a bit tired today!

Although it’s been a very short week, we have been still been doing a lot of learning. We enjoyed our careers masterclasses on Wednesday afternoon and we’ve been continuing to develop our understanding of Place Value.

Our favourite thing in class this week was learning about primary and secondary colours and Pointillism – this is an art technique created by a French artist called George Seurat, who lived quite a long time ago. Pointillism is using coloured dots to create a picture. We got the chance to try this but, instead of using a paintbrush, we used cotton buds! Mrs Stewart was very impressed with our listening skills as we followed her instructions really well. It took us a long time to work out what we might be creating with our dotty colour wheel, but finally Scott guessed correctly! You will have to wait until our assembly on the 7th October to see the completed artwork but, it will fit in well with our  ‘Go dotty for October’ assembly. You will see a lot of spots before your eyes, as we are having a whole school dress down day that day, in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind.

On Tuesday, 27th September, Natalie and Glynn from the RNIB are coming out to speak to us about visual impairment and show us some of the equipment that help those with sight loss – we are really looking forward to this!

Message from Mrs McGlynn –

We looked at local charities in class  and the children started thinking about what kind of charity they would create for local children. West Lothian Food Bank have kindly agreed to allow us to visit their distribution centre in Blackburn  and  talk to the children about the charity. This will be in the afternoon of 4/10/16, the usual letter and forms will be sent out shortly.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂

The latest from P4

This week, with Mrs McGlynn, we have been continuing to learn about symmetry and have completed pictures using mirrors.

Mr Richards has been helping us to learn the skill of dribbling the ball with a hockey stick. He also let us paint the classroom in our drama – don’t worry Miss Macrae, we were just pretending!

Our writing this week was about our first day at school and we had to make sure that what we wrote made sense, that we had used the correct punctuation and that we had spelled our common words correctly.

Partitioning has been the word of the week in Numeracy. We have been partitioning 2- and 3-digit numbers, which means we have been breaking them down into parts and showing the value of the digits.

eg. 68 can be broken down into 6 tens (60), and 8 units (8)

So 68 = 60 + 8

Our topic, with Mrs McGlynn, is Charities and we already have a homework challenge to complete.  This fits in really nicely with our learning with Mrs Stewart, as we are going to be learning about the work of the RNIB which we will share with you at our assembly in October. Watch out for spots before your eyes!

We are SO excited about being Rookie Rockstars  – can’t wait for the team to visit next week!

Golden Time has had a strange effect on Mrs Stewart, she’s turned into a teddy! Wait a minute, no she hasn’t, it’s Lauren’s Barney bear that came for a visit! 🙂

Have a great weekend!

This week in P4…

This week has flown past!

Thank you so much to the parents who were able to make it along to the Meet the Teacher session – it was great to be able to chat to you all and share some of the exciting things we have in store this year!

We have finished our charter and thought you might like to see it –


What a suprise – it’s Disney-themed!

We have had the chance to ‘play’ with the Numicon resources and loved when Mrs Stewart gave us challenges to complete! we are looking forward to using this to help us with our learning in Numeracy this year. We’ve also started to have regular Number Talks in the class, this lets us talk about the strategies we are using to work calculations out mentally.

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We are continuing to work hard on our handwriting and have started to join up some of the letters we have already learned. We used our Big Talk homework to help us write a personal piece of text this week. Our writing activities require us to work quietly so that we can concentrate and, although that can be a bit challenging, we have a couple of strategies that are helping us – Lauren suggested we do our focus activity before we started our writing task and we also listen to Chopin while we write, as it helps with flow and concentration!

This week, with Mrs McGlynn, we really enjoyed our symmetry lesson and can’t wait to continue with it next week.

Homework begins this week and all tasks, instructions and due dates will be included in your child’s homework jotter – this week  there will be spelling, reading, Big Talk and Numeracy homework. In addition, please look for learning targets for your child, which will be added into their homework jotter. These targets reflect the teaching and learning that will take place over the next 6 weeks.

Could you please ensure your child has their homework bag in their schoolbag every day, as different tasks will be given out on different days? If there is anything you are unsure of, please get in touch!  Thank you for your continued support!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂


Our first fabulous week in P4!

We have all had a very happy first week in P4 and have already been busy!

We worked well together to create our class charter and have all signed to say that we will try our very best to follow it.

We have been getting to know each other by sharing information about ourselves through different activities.

P4 have been doing ‘Wake and Shake’ every morning, which includes exercising to dance and a then a balancing activity which will strengthen our focus muscles and help us with our concentration. We are already getting better at balancing on one foot!

We have assigned our class jobs and these will be changed on a weekly basis.

We enjoyed working on our ‘Stick man’ interactive adventure with Mrs McGlynn, on Thursday.

Lennon had fun doing his spelling test, especially because there were 45 words to do!!!

Today, we  started on our daily handwriting practice which will focus on the formation of our letters, before moving on to the joins between letters. Mrs Stewart is very pleased that we tried our best and was impressed with our first day’s work. 🙂

We had a visit from our friend, Steven, who came to talk to us about ‘Thinking Better’. He was happy to hear that we will never give up, even when we are stuck, and that we will try our best to encourage each other to get better every day. We hope Steven comes back to visit soon and then we will be able to tell him how we are getting on.

Phew! What a busy first week, but we are all looking forward to learning lots this year.

Please keep checking the BLOG to keep up-to-date with all that is happening in our class.

Have a good weekend!