All posts by Mrs Stewart

P3 – World Book Day Activities

P3 would like to thank everyone for supporting our Biscuit and Blether that we co-hosted with P3/2 this morning.
We had a great time, sharing our stories with our friends and family.

During the week, we made our lollipop stick book characters with Mrs Mackie – don’t they look great?

Throughout today, we had to Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) whenever we heard the bell ring 3 times – Mrs Stewart loved the opportunity to sit down for ten minutes and lose herself in her book!

Have a lovely weekend and Happy Reading! 🙂

Busy morning in P5/4!

Thank you so much to our P7 Maths Ambassadors for spending time in our class this morning, playing multiplication games with us – we loved it! It’s a fun way to use our knowledge of multiplication facts.

We had the chance to use some of the new maths resources today – the new data handling whiteboards came in handy when we were learning to create our own bar graphs. Mrs Stewart also loves our visualiser (she’s been using it lots this week!) – it made it easy for us to work together to collate the data we needed to make our graphs.

Have a lovely weekend!:-)
P5/4 and Mrs Stewart.

Tickets for ‘A Nicht wi’ Burns!’

Parents/carers of P4 and P5 children – if you haven’t already purchased your tickets,there is still time, but please get your order in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
If anyone requires additional tickets to the 2 originally allocated, these can be purchased from Wednesday morning (7th Feb) – please detail how many and include payment for the tickets you require. Please enclose this in an envelope or small bag, with your child’s name on it, and return it to the class teacher.
Look forward to seeing you all on Thursday evening!

Many thanks,

Mrs Stewart.

Deputy First Minister’s Christmas Maths Challenge, give it a go!

A family fun maths challenge has been sent out by the Scottish Government, in partnership with the Scottish Mathematical Council. This has been issued to P6 pupils, as requested, however we think that we should share it with all pupils.

This is an ideal opportunity to challenge yourselves over the Christmas holidays when you are bored with all your new games and there’s no more chocolate left to eat!
Once you’ve challenged yourself, leave a comment and let us know how you got on!

Merry Christmas to you all and remember – Maths isn’t just for Christmas!!! ;_)

Mrs Stewart.

P4, P5/4 and P5 party!

Just a wee reminder – the party for P4s and P5s will be on Monday morning.
Children can come to school in their party gear but should bring their school uniform in a bag to change into, afterwards. (This will ensure they have warm clothing when they are outside at break and lunchtimes)
Thanks for your co-operation!

Mrs Stewart, Miss Hanlon, Mrs Glancy and Mrs Craig.

Congratulations to the P4-7 choir!

Well done to our wonderful choir, who sang so beautifully at Tesco last week. There were many lovely comments from Tesco customers, complimenting them on their performance.
More importantly, the children donated all their collection money to Tesco’s nominated charities – The British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.
The sum raised, in less than an hour, was an amazing £97!!!
Congratulation to each and every one of you – you are all stars!

Mrs Stewart. 🙂

P4-7 Christmas choir – Music Stars!

The choir performed fantastically well yesterday, spreading the festive cheer with their recording of two of their favourite Christmas songs! They have worked so hard, in such a short space of time, to produce a varied programme for over the festive period.
Tonight sees them open the Christmas Fair with some well-known songs, as well as a couple of new ones. Hopefully, this will fill everyone with Christmas cheer!
Tomorrow, Thursday, they will entertain all the shoppers in Tesco, at 1.45pm. It’d be great to see lots of friendly faces there to support them. As always, any monies collected will be donated to Tesco’s named charities.

Not to be outdone, the staff thought that it was time to spread some Christmas ‘cheer?’ of their own and also recorded a little something for the West Lothian Council facebook page. (We tried our best!) 🙂

If you would like to hear the children’s beautiful singing and the staff giving their rendition of Jingle Bell Rock, then please visit the West Lothian council facebook page or

See you tonight!

Mrs Stewart.

CAB Poster competition winners!

Congratulations to all five of our poster winners who received their prizes on Friday, at a presentation in the Library. The winning entries will be included in the 2018 CAB Calendar, including the Nursery entry from the school. The calendars will be given out to schools as soon as they are ready. There will also be additional copies available in the Library.

The judges were particularly impressed with the text that Rachael had included within her design and so her poster has been chosen to be framed and displayed in the Library within the new Partnership Centre! Fantastic achievement, Rachael, well done!

Rachael with her winning entry.

A short, but amazing week in P4!

We have just had an amazing time in the hall taking part in the Dance-a-thon! Although we are a bit tired now, we managed to dance for a whole hour! We also managed to fit in a Gay Gordon’s and a Canadian Barn Dance – so much fun dancing with all our friends in P3, P5/4 and P5 too!

This week, we began our annual Heartstart sessions. This week, we revised our knowledge of what to do if we came across a conscious casualty. We remembered that we have to check for danger first, then check for response, then get help. We can phone 999 or 112 to get emergency services if they are needed.


In Numeracy, we were learning about arrays to help us with our multiplication facts. We already know that multiplication is repeated addition eg, 4X3 = 3+3+3+3. We are continuing to familiarise ourselves with multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

This term, we are concentrating on non-fiction texts and their key features. Our writing will also be non-fiction based, as we will focus on Newspaper articles. If you have any recent (appropriate) newspapers that you can send in, they would be appreciated.

Please continue to support your child with any homework that is sent home and encourage them to attend Homework Club on a Wednesday lunchtime, if you think this would benefit them.

Have a lovely weekend!

P4 and Mrs Stewart. 🙂