All posts by wlkristin.glancy@glow

Happy New Year from P.4

Biscuit and Blether was a huge success today!  I have given each child a Parent information sheet home with them today and this will help give you ideas.

Your child will be given their homework, starting on Monday (15.1.18).  Your child will take home their library books instead of their class reading book. Please can you ensure homework is returned each Thursday.

PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday, please can you ensure that children have an indoor and outdoor PE kit.

Many thanks and congratulations to P.4 for having a successful first week back!

Mrs Glancy

P4 Trip to Tesco

Yesterday Primary 4 visited Tesco.  They learned lots about Farm to Fork.  They got to taste fruit and cheese.  They also made bread and touched fish.

This weeks Star Writers are:

  • Callen S
  • Emily
  • Callan J
  • Bailey
  • Brooke S

This weeks Raffle Winner is Aleisha.

Well done Primary 4 – what a busy week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Glancy

P.4. October Holidays

Primary 4 enjoyed a visit from Farmer Findlay. They enjoyed the Powerpoint from Farmer Findlay.

Thank you to all the parents and pupils who came along to parents night.

Well done to our Star Writers – Abbie, Brooke S, Callan, Tia and Adam.

Well to Abbie for getting a Head Teachers Award.

This weeks Raffle winner is: Zoe

Remember to return permission slips for our Tesco Farm to Fork trip. Well done to those pupils who have already returned their slips.

Thank you so much for working hard in Term 1. Enjoy your October holidays!

Primary 4 News

Primary 4 have been working hard on their Farm to Fork topic.  This week they learned about the journey of milk and they sequenced pictures to show how the milk is processed.

Thank you to Mrs Stewart for rewarding Primary 4 for working hard on their maths challenges – we love our new game (money bags).

Please make sure you return all your homework completed on Friday.

Well done to Emily who is this weeks raffle prize winner!

Have a lovely weekend see you all on Monday.

Mrs Glancy

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

In Primary 4 this week, we have been very busy learning about the farm.   After looking at some farm books, we wrote down our ideas about what we wanted to learn.  We passed the pebble round and talked about farms and discussed food and animals.  We found out how to grow vegetable and how a farm works.  We also found out where chickens and eggs came from.   Or at least we think we did… Tia would like to find out more about how chickens grow in eggs!  Which one came first?  Does anyone know the answer?  Zoe wonders how they make the food for the animals.

Art was very popular as we designed farm pictures based on farm paintings that Mrs Glancey showed us.  We added our own touches and details to our pictures, used pens to colour them in and a paint wash for the sky.

On the Smartboard, we played a game where we had to match the animals to the right answer.  We also made mosaic chickens to go with our Twits story.  They look really colourful on our wall.

Our spelling test is fun and we really like to get the words right in our spelling test, so we practise them in our homework.  Payton says the class did some great writing about Likes and Dislikes.

At Assembly we sang “Don’t build your house” which is one of our favourites, although we probably need to practise the movements because we are getting to do some of the harder bits now that we are in P4!

In Maths, we play Beat That!  We play it every Friday.  What we have to do is write down as many answers we you can in 90 seconds.  Adam enjoys the challenge of the 2 times table.

Compliments of the week go to Ross, who informs us that he is good at answering questions!

All the work was fun this week.  Have a lovely holiday weekend and remember not to come to school on Monday or Tuesday.