All posts by Mrs Bruce


Please see below for details of the class assemblies that will be taking place up to Christmas. As always we try our best not to move assembly dates unless in exceptional circumstances.

Next Friday (28th September) each class in the school will be performing a song to celebrate the European day of languages at assembly. Please come along and watch. 

28.09.18 – as above – all classes

02.11.18 – P7

09.11.18 – P5

16.11.18 – P6 and P7/6

23.11.18 – P3 and P3/2



Edinburgh International Book Festival

On Tuesday all Primary 3 pupils and all Primary 5 pupils have the opportunity to attend the Edinburgh International book festival in Charlotte Square Edinburgh. This event is held every year in Edinburgh and has a variety of reading workshops and activities for pupils to enjoy as part of the schools programme.

Tuesday 28th August is a special primary school gala day and primary schools from across Edinburgh and the Lothians will be visiting.


P3 pupils should arrive at school at the earlier time of 8.45am and will return to school at 12pm (approx)

They should be in school uniform and bring a small snack. Waterproof jackets should be worn.

The children will be visiting the workshop ” Animal Artwork” with Nicola Davis and Abbie Cameron. They will learn about animal illustrations


P5 pupils will be leaving at 11.15am during the school day. They should be back at school for 3pm approx

They should wear their school uniform and bring a packed lunch to have at the festival.

The children will be visiting the workshop ” A Royal Runaway” with Theresa Breslin. They will find out about Mary Queen of Scots escape from loch leven castle.


We are sure the children will have a fantastic time at the festival. Can parents and carers please ensure that all forms and EE2’s have been returned to school by Monday morning and if your child has medication this has been handed in to school with the correct forms for this year completed. Children will not be able to attend if they do not have the required medication or if the correct forms have not been completed.

Welcome Back!

It was lovely to see all our pupils return to school this week. The primary one’s have settled well into the routines of the school with support from their P7 buddies and attended their first assembly.

The literacy team are looking forward to another year of building the reading culture across the school.

The school library will be open this year and classes will be invited to the library to borrow books with the help of our junior librarians.

We will continue to run a number of literacy events for our pupils throughout the year starting with two workshops at the Edinburgh International Book Festival which our P3 and P5 pupils will be attending on Tuesday.

Children will continue to take home reading for enjoyment books for their reading homework to support the development of a love for reading.

Look out for more updates throughout the session


Mrs Bruce

Nursery Events

See below for information about the nursery events this coming week:

Monday 25th June – sports day

On this day the children should come in sporty clothes, sun hats and with suncream applied. The sports will be held in the back school playground. Parents and Carers who have come to watch the sports should come to the school main entrance.

AM sports will be held at 9.30am

PM sports will be held at 2pm

Tuesday 26th June – information sessions for parents and carers of children returning to nursery in August

If your child is returning to nursery after the holidays we are holding a short meeting at 10.45am and 12.15pm to answer any questions and meet some of the nursery team for next session. Please come to the nursery door at these times.


Wednesday 27th June -moving on celebration

Please come to the school main entrance to celebrate the children moving on to their next year of education. We will be celebrating in the school hall at 10am and 2pm on Wednesday.


Thursday 28th June – Last day for afternoon children/New parent and carer meeting

Thursday will be the last day for our afternoon children. The nursery will finish at the usual time. If your child has medication in the nursery please make sure you collect it when you collect your child.

At 4.30pm parents and carers of children who will be starting for the first time with us in August have been invited to a short meeting. Please come to the school main entrance.

Friday 29th June – last day for morning children

Friday is the last day for the morning children. The nursery will finish at the usual time. If your child has medication in the nursery please make sure you collect it when you collect your child.





We are inviting everyone to dress up as a book character for world book day next Friday – 16th March. Afternoon nursery children will dress up on the Thursday afternoon. Hang on to your costumes as we will be holding a grand opening of the school library after Easter and you can come to school as a book character for the grand opening.