All posts by Mrs Wedlock


Money! Money! Money!

That’s what we have been excited about this week!  We have been learning about coins up to 10p. We have been using 1p, 2p and 5p to make different amounts and using different combinations.  We have also been counting up purses that have coins in them.  Mrs Wedlock has been extremely impressed with the quality discussion that P1 have been having about strategies.  We have been identifying strategies to help us count and add up coins and then sharing our strategies with our elbow partners.  Talking through your strategy is an important part of learning as it deepens our understanding of what we have learned.  We have been playing money games on the smartboard and have enjoyed exploring the coins and purses and playing with the shopping resources.

Your challenge this weekend is to ask Mums/Dads/Grans etc if you can have a look at some of the coins in their purse/wallet and talk to them about what we have been learning.  Happy money chatting P1W!!


This week:


  • We have been learning to write capital D and lower case d in our handwriting.
  • We have been learning about ee/oo sounds.
  • We have been writing about WOW words (adjectives). Wow words give us a little bit more information and are describing words. We made our own beanstalks with a partner and then brainstormed wow words to describe our beantalks.  We came up with some great ideas – giant, huge, enormous, massive, green, curly, big, tall, big leaves, straight, beautiful.  We then used our wow words in our writing this week when writing about Jack and the Beanstalk.


  • We have been learning to add for the last two weeks.
  • We have been learning to use a strategy and explain what strategy we have been using.
  • We have been playing addition games on the smartboard, i the maths are and at our learning tables.


  • We have started to learn aboput our new topic the 1980’s.
  • We used ICT to investigate how people listened to music in the 80’s. We were shocked top learn that there was no ipads or tablets and people used record players and tape players.  We looked at old tapes and records and then made posters of the different ways music can be listened to from the 80’s and from nowadays.


Wow!!! What a final performance this morning from P1 and P2 of our nativity ‘The Inkeeper’s Breakfast’. The primary 2 children have excelled themselves in their narrating, they have been practising narrating with expression and they done a super job of this! Our on stage cast members from P1 done an excellent job in remembering lines and performing with confidence, some of them even rose to the challenge of performing two parts to help cover absence!! Well done to all for the super singing! We left the hall with big smiles and a great sense of achievement!! Here are a selection of photographs for you to browse through. Individual photos of P1 in their costumes will be uploaded to their online Learner Journey’s. Thank you to all our parents and families who came to see us perform.

P1W 25.11.16

What a busy, busy few weeks we’ve had in P1.

Practice has started for our Nativity performance.  This year our Nativity is The Innkeepers Breakfast.  The Innkeeper is trying really hard to have his breakfast but he keeps on getting interupted!!! We have been learning the songs and next week we are going to start practising our lines on stage. We hope you cna make it along to see our performance!

In Numeracy we have been:

  • learning to count on from a given number
  • learning to write numbers 6-10
  • sequence numbers 0-10 backwards and forwards
  • adding 1 more/2 more
  • identifying the number before/after/in the middle number

Some of us have been challenging oursleves and making bigger numbers with the numicons.  Do you know if you start with a 10 and add on another numicon you can make big numbers??

In Literacy we are going to be starting to write about the Christmas Story.  You can chat to your child about the Story of Christmas at home to help with this. We are familiar with some of the story through our Nativity practice.


Share our Learning!! Have you signed up to come along and see your child’s work? Please come along on the 1st December to chat to your child about their learning.  Ask at the office for more detials.

P1W 7.10.16

Another busy week in P1W!

A thank you to all the parents who came along to our first parent’s night!



  • we have now been introduced to all of set 1 sounds (m, c, k, s, p , a, t, i, n)
  • we have been listening for these sounds at the start and end of words.
  • we have been learning to write these sounds (even in the shaving foam)


  • we have been practising finger patterns for numbers to 10 and different ways we can show 10.
  • we have been counting on and back within 20.
  • we have been counting and writing numbers to 5.


We also enjoyed talking about our favourite tv programmes and drawing them onto our tv’s. We done a super job with our drawing and colouring so Mrs Wedlock put them on the wall.

P1W 23.09.16

We have been very busy in class this week learning lots of new things.

We have been introduced to our Learning Ladybird (he tells us what we are learning) and our Successful Spider (he tells us what to do in order to be successful). They are used throughout the day to help the children understand what they are learning and how they are going to achieve it.


  • We have been counting on and back within 20.
  • We have been using numicon to make number sandwiches.
  • We have been learning about numbers 1-4. We have been trying to write them in the sand, on whiteboards and tracing them on our hands and tummy.
  • Ask us about penguin 1, ticklish 2, butterfly 3 and feathery 4, they have been helping us draw and count items to 4.


  • We have learned the sounds m, c, s, p and a.
  • We have been gluing and stciking coloured collage to help us remembe the colour of each sound.
  • We have been practising to write the sound on big paper using coloured pens, pencils and crayons.
  • We have been learning songs to go with each sound, Mrs Wedlock liked the song for ‘a’…….she might’ve played it about 100 times!!! But the wee ants were too cute 🙂


  • We have been learning to draw a story, we have to include WHO is in our story, WHERE we were and WHAT we were doing.
  • Next weeks story will be – I went to a party………
  • At home can you spend some time talking to your child about a time that they have been to party to help them gather some ideas for their drawing/writing this week.

We love snack and a chat time in class. Here is a picture of some us doing what we love best……CHATTING!!

snac-and-chat-2 snack-and-chat


Wow what a busy few weeks we have had since school started.

We have been very busy settling into the new routine of school. Our P7 buddies have been extremely good at helping us learn the routines of getting ready in the morning and packing up at the end of the day.  They even joined us for lunch on our first day to help us in the dinner hall.

In class we have been talking about what rules we should have to help us have a happy and safe classroom.  We all made rockets to go up on our Rights Respecting Rockets display.  This is where are class charter is and helps remind us of the expectations.

We have been learning some sounds and have enjoyed playing games to help us rmember them. We have played ‘m/c’ bingo, smartboard sorting games and gluing and sticking for the sound m.  Next week we will be learning about ‘s and p’.

In numeracy we have been practising to count forwards and backwards and have been exploring and investigating the maths area in the classroom.  We enjoyed playing with the marbles and numbered cups and the really tricky maths puzzles.

We have been practising to write numbers 1 and 2 and our sounds m and c.

This week we have been painting portraits of each other to help us get to know everyone in the class.  We had to pay attention to facial detail and use appropriate colours.  Mrs Wedlock is going to put our portaits up on display outside our classroom.

Thank you to all parents for remembering to return homework on time, I’m really looking forward to looking at everyone’s work to see how hard youve all been working at home.

For information –

  • OUTDOOR P.E is on a Monday with Mrs McGlynn
  • INDOOR P.E is on a Wednesday with Mrs Wedlock.
  • Please name ALL items of clothing, this helps prevent items from going missing/unclaimed.

P1W 17.06.16

Sports Day!!!!!!

Wow what a morning!! Lots of fun and good team work in P1W.  Its was really lovely to see a brilliant team spirit and for the children to be cheering for each other.  Thank you to all the mums, dads and grandparents who came to see us and cheer us on!  Here are some pictures of our winners.  Melanie and McKenzii winning 1st place in the girl and boy running races.  Rhian and Alfie came in 2nd place.  Leah and William came in 3rd place. ! Well done to Bruce, the green house for having the most points overall!! A big well done to all of P1W for superb effort this morning!
