All posts by A Mackie

23-6-17 Another Busy Week in P1s

What a busy week we have had in P1s.

This week we have learned lots:

Sophie T – I have learned how flowers grow.

Eva – I have learned how seeds are dispersed.

Emily – Some seeds catch a ride on animals.

Leon – Some plants explode and spread their seeds about.

Laiba – Seeds can move about in the wind.

Lucy – Sunflowers drop their seeds when they die and new plants grow.

Noah – Birds and animals eat the seeds and then poop them out in a different place.

Lily McD – We were learning about equal share in numeracy.  We shared out jelly beans.

Ollie – We played sharing games with a partner.

Kayleigh – I wrote a story about an apple tree.

Reece – Apple seeds grow in to apple trees.  Orange seeds grow in to orange trees.

We also ran our flat races this week.  Well done to everyone who took part, especially, Xavier, Lily M, Emily and Kayleigh who were awarded a medal at assembly. Lily M was awarded a special trophy for being the girl who earned the most points across the P1 stage.  Well done to the house team Bruce who earned the most house points!


16th June 2017 – Plants!

A very busy week in P1. We made greenhouses and put a sunflower seed in them to watch them grow. We didn’t expect anything to happen yet but this morning we noticed that one or two of the seeds had started to germinate and we could see the little root had grown. We were really excited and can’t wait to see how they look after the weekend!

We made flowers in art and labelled all the different parts  and also learned about the life cycle of a sunflower.

We also learned how to do silent reading and spent some time looking carefully at the books we had chosen, looking for sounds and words we knew. We spoke about how we could read the stories in our head without disturbing other people around us.

A VERY BIG well done to the following children who worked hard to earn 20 Dojo points this week and earned a prize:
Junior, Lily McD, Lily and Lucy.
It was very close and some children were almost there. Keep trying hard and maybe next week you will earn a prize.

Have a super weekend!