All posts by Mrs Waugh

Dalguise Update – 4th November 2014

Sorry for the late post – tried to write this from home last night and thought it had posted!

Got a text from staff last night just before 10pm to let us know that everyone had a brilliant first day and that all the light were now off in the rooms as everyone was exhausted and ready to recharge their batteries.

They have had another fun packed day and will be out and about taking part in their afternoon activities.

Staff are taking and sending photographs, however we are only receiving some of these as the 3G signal is not great out in the middle of Perthshire! We will try to post these photographs when they arrive.

Mrs Waugh

Camp Update 2 at 14.20 a.m.

Hi All,

Everyone at camp has been fed and watered and our staff reported that there was plenty of variety and choice for all.

The whole group has now been split into their 4 activity groups and were just heading off to take part in their first outdoor activity.

The afternoon activities include Zip Wire, Trapeze and Motorsports. The groups will have a chance to take part in 2 activities this afternoon before heading off to dinner.

Each group has a member of staff with them…poor Mrs Stewart is gutted as she has been told she’s too old for the quad bikes!!!

P.S. I have been sent a photograph but can’t get it to upload yet – I’m working on fixing this but will pop a copy onto the parent noticeboard outside the school.

Mrs Waugh

Dalguise Happy Campers!

We are happy to report that our campers have all arrived safe and well at Dalguise.

The group are currently having a quick meeting and welcome session with the Dalguise staff and going over some of the basic rules, fire procedures etc. They will be heading for their lunch at 12.15 and then will be getting stuck into their afternoon activities.

We will try to keep you updated as news come in from our staff. Photographs to follow once the children get settled and have their lunch. Thanks to all our parents for their support and patience this morning.
Mrs Waugh

*Tickets still available* – Parent Council Fundraising Event

Dear Parents/Carers,

Just a quick reminder to let you know that there is still time to buy your tickets for the ‘Pies, Peas and Bingo’ night being held on the 14th March at Blackburn Bowling Club at 7pm.  The Parent Council have organised this fun event along with a disco to help raise funds for the school and upcoming events.  Tickets cost £2 for admission and are available to purchase from the school office.  Bingo books and sheets and raffle tickets will be available to purchase on the night.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Murrayfield Primary School’s 50th Anniversary Commemorative Photograph


As you will be aware, there was a whole school photograph taken on Tuesday 4th February to celebrate the school’s forthcoming 50th Anniversary. 

You should now have received a copy of the order form for this with included a small sample image.  However, as the image is very small it is difficult to imagine what the actual photograph will look like, so a full sized version is available for you to view at Mrs Strachan’s office.  Please feel free to pop in and have a closer look to help you decide if you would like to purchase a copy of this special commemorative photograph.

All completed order forms and payments should be handed into the office by Friday 7th March 2014.