What’s been going on in P2/1 this week?

It has been another very busy (and exciting) week!

On Monday we were learning about the ‘n’ sound.  We learned that it is a dark blue sound because we make it with our tongues and it is a loud sound.  We were also working on our numeracy skills from 0-10 through lots of counting, sand writing, number matching and much more. We learned about the season of Autumn and spoke about the changes we can see in our environment.  We painted Autumn pictures using our hands and fingers.

On Tuesday it was our turn to take part in the sponsored cycle around the playground.  Some of us were quite nervous about it but by the end of our time slot we were having a great time.  Mrs Mackie was very proud of us all for trying so hard.  Mrs Walker even had a shot of cycling around the playground but was so fast that we never managed to take a photograph of her!

On Wednesday Sean Batty visited our school.  We were very excited about seeing him.  He was delighted with the amount of money that Murrayfield had raised to help the STV Children’s appeal.

Today (Thursday), we talked about who we help, whether it was our family, our friends or even our pets and then wrote stories about helping.   We made soup for our ‘Souper Friday’ event tomorrow.  We chopped up carrots, leeks, onions and potatoes to make potato & leek soup and carrot and coriander soup.  The smell followed us all the way back to our classroom…it smelled delicious and we hope it tastes just as good!

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