P7 News Friday 8th September 2017

Welcome to our first blog entry from the new Primary Seven pupils.  The first three weeks at school have been very busy.  We have already applied for P7 Job responsibilities, carried our our House Captains presentations at assembly and have booked an outing for Monday 11th September to The National Museum of Scotland.  We are looking forward to going to learn about Natural Disasters.

We have been learning about hurricanes and how they are formed.  This week we have watched the destruction caused by Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean.

We have been using sets of compasses to measure and draw circles.  We have increased our knowledge of mathematical vocabulary – circumference, radius and diameter. Many of the pupils enjoyed the technical challenge of creating their own circle patterns after looking at crop circles for inspiration.


We are excited about taking part in Scottish Maths week beginning 8th September and intend to take part in the Sumdog competition to increase our speed and recall of maths and numeracy skills.

Each day week we start class in a different way, with Mindfulness Monday, Think about it Tuesday, Wordy Wednesday and Technology Thursday.  We have discussed the idea of anytime anywhere learning and are planning to use our own devices to enhance our attainment.  Over the term we will be informing parents and carers more about using devices in the classroom.

This week Mrs McGlynn we all enjoyed taking part in Drama, where we had to act out instructions from random cards.

Our class charter has been created on the theme of fidget spinners.  The articles which impact us in the school have been covered through using an interesting website called launchpad.unicef.org.uk.

At assembly today the house and vice captains were announced. Well done to all the children who went forward for the positions.  The House/Vice Captains for 2017 – 2018 are:

All P7 pupils should remember to wear school uniform, bring a packed lunch and a waterproof jacket for our outing on Monday 11th September.


Have a lovely weekend 🙂

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