P6/5 News

The class are beginning to count down to the end of term, however we are continuing to work hard.

In Maths, the class have been learning angles. We enjoyed hunting for them inside the school and going outdoors into the playground area. We were surprised by the amount of the amount of acute and obtuse angles we could find on the Trim Trail and on the trees in the Butterfly garden.

On Thursday we had a Zumba instructor into help us improve our fitness and dance. We enjoyed trying out the dance moves and working together to do the limbo!

In writing , we looked at how to effectively peer assess our writing against the success criteria.  We worked in pairs to examine the quality of our writing and discussed it against the Scottish Criterion. Many of children were very reflective and willing to take on the feedback given.  I’m looking forward to reading the next piece of writing they produce during Big Write.

Have a great weekend 🙂



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