P3 News

This week has been as busy as ever in Primary 3 with a lot of learning. We have all noticed an improvement in reading within the class including our concentration while reading and our ability to talk about our stories. This is great and shows our hard work paying off. The pupils’ aim is to read every day if possible and this can be done both at home and in school.

We linked this week’s writing to our garden topic as we planned, discussed and wrote instructions about how to grow a flower. Our writing included information about what plants need to grow and our completed pieces of work will create another topic display to share our learning.

We have had fun in maths this week as we have taken part in multiplication, subtraction and addition problems with some pupils even moving on to division. I have been so impressed with everybody’s great efforts when working with numbers and can see a real improvement in both mental maths and problem solving skills within the class.

In PE we have focussed on a range of activities that require concentration and co-ordination. These have been tricky but enjoyable and as we continue to do these weekly we will develop more skills.

We hope to share more exciting Sports Day news with you next week as long as we get some better weather!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Calder

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