Primary 2F

What have we been learning this week?

We were writing acrostic poems about mini beasts – Zoe

The poems were about slugs, caterpillars, worms and bees- Zoe

We have been learning about Data Handling with Miss Drummond – Kenzie and Kirsty

We were practising our handwriting – Millie

We did an assessment on 2D and 3D Shapes – William

We were reading our new books – Kirsty

We were answering questions about our books – Millie

We were painting stones to make ladybirds and bees – McKenzii and Hali

We were learning oy and oi sounds with Miss Akram – William

We were learning ch, sh and th sounds with Miss Adam – Kirsty

Well done to our Skillionaires – Cameron for composing an acrostic poem about a slug and Megan for designing her own mini beast.

Well done to the girls for achieving a Head Teachers Award for their acrostic poems on caterpillars – Zoe and Elsie


HAVE A LOVELY LONG WEEKEND  ( We still miss Bonzo! – hopefully we’ll find him soon)


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