Primary 3G

Primary 3 have had another very busy week in school and we have reflected on our learning in class today to share some of our highlights…

We have started doing the register in French each morning to make sure we are practising our French words daily and becoming more confident. We have found this fun and sometimes quite challenging.

In literacy we have been working on identifying nouns, adjectives and verbs before using these in our own writing. We have tried especially hard to include adjectives in our writing to make it detailed and exciting.

We have worked hard in maths, counting on and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s and we are starting to challenge ourselves by counting in 3s and 4s too.

Our assembly practises are going well, with lots of great speaking and singing about the Romans.

We have also created a new Reading Den in the classroom and given our library a makeover and we are going to use this daily to keep practising our reading comprehension by reading and discussing lots of different kinds of books.

Well done P3G for another fun week!

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Calder

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