Primary 2F New

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays!

We have been straight back into work in Primary 2F.

What have we been learning this week?

We have been practising our handwriting – Kailli

We were doing Early Intervention – revising ee/oo sounds and ch/sh sounds – Jamie

We were learning about bar graphs linked into minibeasts – Sean

We were doing problem solving maths – Elsie

We were reading our new books – Robbie

We were writing instructions –

How to play Snakes and Ladders – Brooke

How to make jam toast – Kirsty

We started our new topic Mini beasts – William

We wrote about our Easter holidays – Millie

We were learning about Earth Day – Kailli

We can help save the Earth by saving electricity – Millie

We can save water by turning off the taps brushing our teeth – Elsie

EARTH DAY IS SATURDAY – Please try to do your bit

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