P4 ‘rocks’!

We have been designing and painting the rocks that Ms Macrae gave us. Each child has to decorate their stone in any way they choose and then they will all be used to decorate the front garden. We enjoyed looking at examples of painted stones on the internet, using them to give us ideas about how we could paint our own. We still have to add a top coat of glue/varnish so that the paint doesn’t wash off in the rain!

Our topic this term is Science, we are learning about Water and Electricity – although not at the same time!!!

We asked Mrs Stewart what water was made of and so now we know that the chemical formula of water is, H2O. The H stands for Hydrogen and the O means Oxygen. (We found that out by looking at something called the Periodic Table, which has lots of information on it about all the elements that have been discovered. Elements are the things that everything in the world is made from. Wow, there are lots!) Every molecule (wee bit) of water is made up of 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen. We even learned about the structural formula of water and have drawn it in our IDL jotters:

There are 3 states of matter – Solid, Liquid and Gas. When water is Solid, it’s known as ice and when it’s a gas, it’s known as Steam or Water Vapour. The Melting Point of Water is 0 degrees Centigrade and the Boiling Point is 100 degrees Centigrade.

We can’t wait to discover and learn more next week, especially as it’s British Science Week!

Have a great weekend!

P4 and Mrs Stewart. 🙂

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